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John Miller Physiotherapist

Article by John Miller

Can You Reduce Knee Running Stress?

Research shows that simply changing how we run can significantly affect how much stress goes through our knees... and who’s knees wouldn’t mind that?

Heiderscheit et al. (2011) found that you can "offload" your knee joint stresses by simply increasing the step frequency while running.

Simple things that you can change:

  • Decreasing your step length to avoid overstriding.
  • Less up and down movement of your centre of mass.
  • Less "braking" force on your lower leg.
  • Less knee bend at foot strike.

What is an Efficient Cadence?

Most efficient marathon runners take roughly 180 steps per minute (90 each leg). If you take fewer steps than this, your knees, shins and heels have more impact stress per stride to disperse, plus you tend to overstride.

The detrimental implications of overstriding are multifactorial. As you overstride, you require more hip flexion to pull your foot and knee forward. This effectively inhibits the opposing gluteal muscle group. Your gluteals have a vital hip extension, external rotation and hip abductor control, which leads to hip control. Weak gluteals lead to hip “collapsing” issues. Overstriding also increases your heel impact rather than midfoot impact, leading to stress fractures in your heels or shins.

Edwards et al. (2009) showed that reducing your stride length decreased the probability of stress fracture by 3% to 6%. And, who wouldn’t want to lower their risk of stress fractures?

Overstriding also has an impact on the oscillation of your centre of mass. Essentially you’ll bounce up and down more. The effect is that the ground reaction force absorbed by the ankle, knee and hip at foot strike again increases. You’ve undoubtedly seen how some runners glide across the air with their feet touching the ground. Compare that to the struggling collapsing runner, who I'm sure you also encounter on running paths.

This increases the braking force on the stance limb, increasing the ground reaction force imparted onto the knee.

Finally, overstriding requires additional knee bend during your stance phase. This increases the likelihood of your kneecap compressing into the trochlear groove of your thigh bone. Do that enough, and you’ll have painful clicking kneecaps.

How Can You Increase Your Step Cadence to Improve Your Stride Length?

Step cadence can be easily measured and re-trained by running on a treadmill, watching a step counter (e.g. Garmin), or listening to a metronome set at 180 to 190 steps per minute. Smartphone apps can be downloaded and played back as you run. Other research by Wily et al. (2105) has shown that you can effectively do this in a two-week block running four times per week.

For more advice, please ask your running physiotherapist.

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6 Post-Run Recovery Tips

Are you planning on running a marathon, half marathon, participating in a charity run or just running for fun? How about dreading the post-exercise soreness and fatigue? When you push your body to perform an intense exercise or exercise it may be unaccustomed to, it is beneficial to know what to do to assist recovery after the event.

Here are six tips to assist you in recovering after a running event.

1. Post-Run Nutrition

After exercise, it is paramount you replenish the energy stores (glycogen/carbohydrates, electrolytes and protein) and fluid stores you lost during activity. This nutrition will help the body recover from intense exercise and assist your immune system damaged by the practice.


When glycogen synthesis is highest within the first-hour post-exercise, consume a carbohydrate-rich snack/meal that provides 1-1.2g of carbohydrate per 1kg of body weight.


Intense exercise causes a breakdown in muscle tissue. Protein helps restore tissue and assist muscle adaptation. Essential amino acids from high-quality protein-rich foods in the hour post-exercise promote protein rebuilding. Commonly 10-20g of protein in the first hour post-exercise is recommended.


It is essential to replace the fluid lost during exercise. Electrolytes, particularly sodium, lost through sweat are required. Sodium helps to increase your fluid balance post-exercise by reducing urine loss. To check, please weigh yourself before and after your race. A guideline to fluid replacement is 1L for every 1kg lost during the event.

More info: Sports Dietitian

2. Cool Down Exercise

Low-intensity exercise can help remove lactic acid build-up and promote blood flow to relieve tight and sore muscles. This exercise can be performed as a light jog or walk after your event or the day following. This cool down exercise can be followed by a brief 5 to 15-min period of stretching to assist with tight muscles.

More info:

3. Soft Tissue Recovery

Ways to assist soft tissue recovery at home include foam rolling and wearing compression garments. Foam rolling on your back, ITB, hamstrings, quads and calves dramatically helps your soft tissue recovery. Spend 2x 1-minute intervals in each area. You may wear compression garments for 24-hrs post-exercise. Both techniques can assist in reducing post-exercise muscle soreness and may enhance recovery of muscle performance.

More info: Foam Rollers

4. Recovery Massage

A post-run recovery massage can reduce excessive post-exercise muscle tone and increase muscle range of motion. Massage also improves circulation and nutrition to damaged tissue, deactivate symptomatic trigger point, reduced post-exercise soreness and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Soft tissue therapy has also been said to aid in psychological recovery alongside music, warm baths and showers to enhance muscle relaxation and allow healing.

More info: Recovery Massage

5. Ice

There is often debate whether ice baths (cold water immersion) is beneficial after exercise. In regards to running, ice helps to decrease inflammation resulting from intense activity. Ice can help to reduce post-activity muscle soreness.

The day after intense activity, you can use heat to help relax tight muscles. Heat also promotes blood flow to an area, promoting the recovery of lactic acid build-up.

More info: Ice therapy

6. Sleep

A good night’s sleep consisting of around 8 hours is essential for muscle recovery, among other biological functions. As mentioned above, compression garments can be worn to bed to further assist with healing. You can achieve a good night’s sleep by ensuring the room is cool, dark, quiet, and free of electronic distractions. Ideally, one should have a well-developed sleep routine that consists of the strategies mentioned earlier and avoids caffeine and excessive fluid intake before bed.

More info: Running Injuries

What Conditions Can Massage Therapy Help?

massage therapy benefits
What Does Massage Therapy Help?

Can Massage Therapy Help You?

Massage therapy offers numerous benefits and can effectively address various conditions and ailments. This FAQ page explores how massage therapy may help with different types of pain and discomfort, providing links to more detailed articles on each topic.

Neck Pain

Massage may help relieve tension, reduce muscle tightness, and improve the range of motion in the neck, relieving neck pain.

  • Neck Pain: Discusses causes, symptoms, and treatment options for neck pain.
  • Headache: Provides neck muscle relaxation that can help alleviate neck pain.
  • Whiplash: Explains the effects of whiplash and how massage can help.

Back Pain

Massage therapy can target the muscles, ligaments, and soft tissues in the back, promoting relaxation, reducing muscle tension, and potentially alleviating back pain.

  • Back Pain: Offers information on the various causes and treatments for back pain.
  • Lower Back Pain: Focuses on the causes and treatments specific to lower back pain.
  • Sciatica: Details the symptoms of sciatica and how massage can help.

Tension Headache

By relaxing the muscles and reducing stress, massage can alleviate tension headaches and relieve associated discomfort.

Jaw Pain

Massage techniques can help release tension in the jaw muscles, easing jaw pain and discomfort caused by conditions like temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ).

  • TMJ Disorders: Explains TMJ disorders and how massage can provide relief.
  • Jaw Pain: Offers insights into the causes and treatment of jaw pain.

Frozen Shoulder

Massage can improve blood circulation, increase joint mobility, and reduce inflammation in the shoulder, aiding in the treatment of a frozen shoulder.

  • Frozen Shoulder: Discusses the symptoms and treatments for frozen shoulder.
  • Shoulder Pain: Provides information on different types of shoulder pain and their treatments.


Massage therapy can help reduce pain, stiffness, and inflammation associated with arthritis by promoting relaxation, enhancing joint flexibility, and improving blood flow.

  • Arthritis: Explains how massage can benefit those with arthritis.
  • Joint Pain Relief: Offers tips for relieving joint pain through massage.


While massage therapy can benefit these conditions, it is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Consult with a healthcare professional, such as your doctor or physiotherapist, before seeking massage therapy.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What conditions can massage therapy help with? Massage therapy may help with neck pain, back pain, tension headaches, jaw pain, frozen shoulder, arthritis, and more.
  2. How does massage therapy relieve pain? Massage therapy relieves pain by reducing muscle tension, improving blood circulation, and promoting relaxation.
  3. Is massage therapy safe for everyone? While generally safe, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting massage therapy, especially if you have specific health concerns.
  4. How often should I get a massage for pain relief? The frequency of massages depends on individual needs and the severity of the condition. A physiotherapist or remedial massage therapist can provide personalised recommendations.
  5. Can massage therapy help with stress and anxiety? Yes, massage therapy can reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and triggering the release of endorphins.
  6. What should I expect during a massage therapy session? During a session, a therapist will use various techniques to target specific muscles and areas of discomfort, aiming to relieve pain and improve mobility.

Related Articles

  1. Neck Pain: Learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for neck pain.
  2. Back Pain: Explore various causes and treatments for back pain.
  3. Lower Back Pain: Discover specific causes and treatments for lower back pain.
  4. Sciatica: Understand the symptoms of sciatica and how massage can help.
  5. Tension Headache: Find out about the causes and treatments for tension headaches.
  6. TMJ Disorders: Get insights into TMJ disorders and how massage can provide relief.
  7. Frozen Shoulder: Learn about the symptoms and treatments for frozen shoulder.
  8. Arthritis: Discover how massage can benefit those with arthritis.
  9. Joint Pain Relief: Explore tips for relieving joint pain through massage.
  10. Migraine: Understand how massage can help manage migraines.

Exploring Common Massage Styles

A Comprehensive Guide


Massage therapy, an integral part of holistic health care, offers a myriad of benefits for the body and mind. We understand how various massage styles can cater to different needs, enhancing both physical and mental wellbeing. In this comprehensive guide, we'll take you through the most common massage styles, their benefits, and how they can fit into your healthcare routine.

The Power of Massage in Muscle and Injury Care

At PhysioWorks, we see firsthand the transformative impact of massage therapy on sports and muscle injuries. Remedial massage therapists, armed with a diverse set of skills, provide tailored care to ensure optimal muscle recovery and management.

Remedial Massage Therapists: Your Massage Experts

Remedial massage therapists at PhysioWorks are not just masseurs; they are healthcare professionals trained to assess and treat physical ailments. They use a range of techniques to address soft tissue problems, aiding in pain relief and functional improvement.

Decoding the Massage Therapist's Toolkit

Key Styles and Their Benefits

For more detailed information please click the massage style header.

  • Active Release Technique (ART): ART targets overused muscles by combining manipulation and movement. It's especially effective for athletes and those with repetitive strain injuries.
  • Deep Tissue Massage: Ideal for chronic muscle tension, this style reaches deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue, promoting healing in areas with scar tissue and tightness.
  • Sports Massage: A blend of techniques tailored for active individuals, sports massage enhances performance, aids in recovery, and prevents injuries.
  • Pregnancy Massage: Adapted for the needs of expecting mothers, this massage alleviates pregnancy-related discomforts, promoting relaxation and well-being.
  • Relaxation Massage: A general massage style using gentle strokes to promote overall relaxation and stress reduction.
  • Remedial Massage: A targeted approach, remedial massage addresses specific musculoskeletal issues, improving movement and reducing pain.
  • Swedish Massage: A popular choice for relaxation, Swedish massage uses long, flowing strokes to reduce stress and tension. It's an excellent option for those new to massage therapy or seeking a gentle experience.

Incorporating the Latest Research

Recent studies have shown the effectiveness of massage therapy in managing chronic conditions like lower back pain and arthritis. By incorporating these evidence-based approaches, we ensure our clients receive the most up-to-date care.

Making the Right Choice

Selecting the appropriate massage style depends on your individual needs, health conditions, and preferences. At PhysioWorks, our therapists guide you in choosing the best option for your situation.


Massage therapy is more than just a relaxation tool; it's a vital component of holistic health care. By understanding the different styles and their benefits, you can make informed decisions about your health and wellness.

What to Do Next?

If you're considering massage therapy, consult with a physiotherapist at PhysioWorks. We'll assess your needs and recommend the most suitable massage style for you. For more information, explore our Massage FAQs & Products section on our website.

Remember, every body is unique, and the right massage style can make a significant difference in your health journey. Trust the team at PhysioWorks to guide you toward optimal wellness.

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Massage Benefits: How Can Massage Help You?

Relaxation Is Just One Of The Massage Benefits

Introduction to Massage Benefits

Massage therapy offers numerous advantages for both physical and mental wellbeing. As physiotherapists, we see how massage can alleviate pain, reduce swelling, and improve relaxation. Let's explore these benefits in detail.

Quick Muscular Pain Relief

Massage targets the muscular system, stretching tight muscles and releasing tension in overused areas. This approach not only eases muscle spasms and cramps but also aids in muscle tissue regeneration. For those struggling with chronic pain or recovering from injuries, regular massage sessions can be transformative.

Reducing Post-Exercise Muscle Soreness

Athletes and active individuals often experience muscle soreness after intense workouts. Massage accelerates the removal of exercise-related toxins in the muscles, reducing soreness and facilitating quicker recovery. Whether you're a professional athlete or a fitness enthusiast, incorporating sports recovery massages into your routine can significantly enhance your performance and comfort.

Enhancing Joint Mobility

Swollen joints can restrict movement and cause discomfort. Massage improves the range of motion in joints and strengthens the muscles surrounding them, leading to increased stability and less pain.

Boosting Circulatory and Lymphatic Health

Massage stimulates blood flow and enhances the lymphatic system's functioning. This reduces pain and swelling from various conditions and promotes overall circulatory health, which is essential for a healthy body.

Balancing Hormones through Remedial Massage

Remedial massage can decrease cortisol levels, the stress hormone, while boosting mood-enhancing hormones like serotonin and dopamine. This hormonal balance reduces anxiety, improves sleep quality, enhances concentration, and boosts energy levels.

Overcoming Stiffness

Regular massage can alleviate morning stiffness, allowing you to start your day with more flexibility and less discomfort.

Relaxation and Stress Management

In our fast-paced lives, stress and anxiety can take a toll on our health. Massage therapy offers a way to relax and unwind, helping to maintain mental wellbeing along with physical health.

Improved Sleep Quality

The relaxing effects of massage can significantly improve your sleep quality, leading to more restful nights and energetic days.

Saying Goodbye to Stress

Massage is a powerful tool for relieving stress and muscular tension. Regular sessions can help you maintain a calmer, more balanced state of mind.

Recent Research and Advances in Massage Therapy

Recent studies have shown that massage therapy can have even more far-reaching benefits than previously thought. For example, a 2021 study found that massage therapy can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals suffering from chronic conditions. This includes reducing pain, enhancing mood, and even potentially boosting immune system function.

What to Do? Seeking Professional Advice

If you're considering massage therapy, it's important to consult with a professional. A qualified physiotherapist can assess your specific needs and recommend the most appropriate type of massage. Whether it's for injury recovery, stress management, or general health maintenance, a tailored approach will ensure the best results.


Massage therapy offers a wide range of benefits that can significantly enhance both your physical and mental wellbeing. As a physiotherapist, I recommend exploring the potential of massage as part of a comprehensive approach to health and wellness. For specific concerns or conditions, always seek advice from a healthcare professional.

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Massage FAQs

  1. What are the benefits of massage therapy? Massage therapy can relieve pain, reduce stress, improve circulation, enhance joint mobility, and promote better sleep.
  2. How often should I get a massage? The frequency of massages depends on individual needs and conditions. For general wellness, once a month is beneficial, while those with chronic pain may require more frequent sessions.
  3. Can massage help with chronic pain? Yes, regular massage therapy can alleviate chronic pain by reducing muscle tension, improving circulation, and promoting relaxation.
  4. Is massage therapy safe for everyone? Most people can benefit from massage therapy. However, individuals with certain medical conditions should consult with a physiotherapist before starting treatment.
  5. What types of massage are most effective? Different types of massage, such as remedial, Swedish, and deep tissue, offer various benefits. A physiotherapist can recommend the best type based on your specific needs.
  6. Can massage improve mental health? Yes, massage therapy can reduce anxiety, improve mood, and enhance overall mental wellbeing by balancing stress hormones.

Related Articles

  1. Sports Massage
    • Discusses how sports massage can enhance athletic performance and aid in recovery.
  2. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)
    • Explains the causes and treatments for post-exercise muscle soreness.
  3. Muscle Injuries
    • Covers common muscle injuries and how massage can help in recovery.
  4. Lymphatic Massage
    • Details the benefits of lymphatic massage for reducing swelling and improving circulation.
  5. Remedial Massage
    • Explores the therapeutic benefits of remedial massage for various conditions.

These articles provide further information on the benefits of massage and related topics, helping readers make informed decisions about their health and wellness.

Optimise Your Performance with Pre-Event Massage

The Key to Enhancing Your Athletic Ability

pre-event sports massage
Pre-Event Sports Massage To Optimise Performance

What is a Pre-Event Massage?

A pre-event massage is a massage session before a workout, competition, or sporting performance. The primary goal of a pre-event massage is to enhance performance by increasing blood circulation, improving flexibility, and mentally preparing individuals for the upcoming activity. It is typically a brief and targeted massage treatment.

Within One Week

Deep tissue massage is recommended 3-5 days before the event. This type of massage can effectively release muscle knots, alleviate muscle fatigue, enhance the range of motion, and provide a much-needed respite from the regular training schedule.

Timing is crucial in optimising the advantages of pre-event and post-event recovery massages. Please schedule your pre-event massage for deep tissue techniques 48 to 72 hours before the exercise event.

Within 24 Hours

On the day of the event or the day before, limiting the massage to light techniques is crucial. Deep tissue or intense massages can leave the muscles tender or sore, affecting performance during the event.

On the other hand, light massages can still provide relaxation, increase blood flow, and promote a sense of calmness without causing undue strain on the muscles. These gentle techniques can help maintain flexibility, relieve minor tension, and ensure that the body is optimal for the upcoming activity.

Discuss Timing with Your Massage Therapist

It would be best to communicate your preferences and event schedule to your sports massage therapist, who can tailor the session to provide the most suitable light massage techniques for your specific needs.

If you have an upcoming sporting event, discussing the specific timeframes with your sports massage therapist is essential. Ensure that your muscles are in optimal condition on the event day.

For more information on sports recovery massage, sports massage, and frequently asked questions about massage and related products, please refer to the following resources:

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John Miller Physiotherapist

Article by John Miller

What Causes Post-Exercise Muscular Pain?

What causes the dreaded "stiff and sore muscles" a day or two after pushing yourself during exercise?

This discomfort occurs due to the buildup of lactic and carbonic acids in your muscle tissue as you begin your workout. These acids are natural by-products of muscle contractions. They are formed during the metabolic process when muscles burn stored glycogen to produce energy.

The good news is that most of these acids eventually convert back into glycogen and are replenished for your next exercise session. However, until the acid levels in your muscles return to normal, you may experience pain and muscle fatigue.

How Does Exercise Change Your Muscles?

Regular exercise brings about several changes in your body, including increased blood vessels supplying the muscles with oxygen and nutrients. This improved circulation aids in the elimination of waste products and toxins that accumulate during exercise. However, this enhanced muscular circulation may take several weeks to develop.

Insufficient oxygen and nutrient supply during this period can result in a backup of toxic wastes, leading to soreness, pain, and stiffness. While many believe that aches and pains are inevitable consequences of exercising, this is often untrue.

How Does Massage Help Ease Post-Exercise Muscle Pain?

Massage is a highly effective method of alleviating the irritation caused by these acidic wastes. Research indicates that massage can significantly expedite muscle recovery compared to rest alone.

What about Muscle & Joint Stiffness?

Massage therapy can be beneficial for individuals dealing with soft tissue injuries like sprains and strains. By increasing circulation in the injured area, massage accelerates tissue repair, promotes healing, and reduces discomfort resulting from such injuries.

Massage is effective in reducing muscle and joint stiffness. Massage can enhance your overall performance by using specific massage strokes to reduce muscle tension and employing passive movements to stretch the connective tissue around joints. Additionally, it helps lengthen muscle and tendon units, serving as a preventive measure against injuries.

Massage is a Drug-Free Treatment

It's essential to recognise that massage is a drugless therapy. It has effectively addressed various health issues such as headaches, insomnia, neck and back pain, digestive disorders (including constipation and spastic colon), arthritis, asthma, carpal tunnel syndrome, and muscular aches and pains. Instead of relying on medications, these conditions can respond positively to the healing power of massage therapy.

What are the Signs of Over-Exercising?

It's crucial to balance adequately challenging your muscles and overloading them. Overdoing your workouts can lead to Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), milder than a muscle strain, tear, or rupture.

Please consult your physiotherapist for specific exercise load advice.

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Post-Event Recovery Massage

Post-Event Recovery Massage
Post-Event Recovery Massage

Enhance Athletic Recovery with Post-Event Recovery Massage

The Importance of Timely Recovery Massage

A post-event recovery massage plays a crucial role immediately following intense training or competition. Skilled therapists apply targeted massage techniques to speed up your body’s recuperation from the exertions of physical activity.

Scheduling Your Recovery Massage

We advise booking a post-event recovery massage within a couple of days after your event for peak effectiveness. Ideally, you should receive this massage between 30 minutes to 48 hours after your exercise concludes. For immediate care, consider a quick session at the post-event massage tent.

Tailored Massage Duration

The length of a post-event massage can adapt to your specific needs, usually ranging up to about 60 minutes. These massages are key for lessening muscle soreness, reducing cramps, and facilitating a quicker return to your training schedule.

Comprehensive Follow-Up Care

To bolster your recovery, we recommend a detailed follow-up recovery massage soon after your event. This practice is widespread among professional sporting teams that engage sports massage therapists to assist with their athletes’ recovery and preparation.

Routine for Elite Athletes

Elite athletes typically benefit from two distinct styles of sports massage weekly to prepare them adequately for forthcoming matches.

Recognising Normal Soreness

It’s crucial to distinguish between normal post-exercise soreness, which should subside within a couple of days, and persistent pain that could indicate an injury. Should soreness continue beyond 48 hours, it’s vital to seek professional evaluation and treatment for optimal recovery.

Conclusion: Prioritising Post-Event Recovery

In conclusion, a post-event recovery massage is not just a luxury; it's a strategic component for any athlete’s training and recovery regimen. Timely, tailored massages after events support overall well-being, prevent injuries, and prepare you for the challenges ahead. Remember, the right recovery massage at the right time can make a significant difference in your athletic performance. Prioritise your post-event massage as you would any other part of your training, and your body will thank you after each event.

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Physiotherapist treating patient's legs, patient in shorts, in clinic setting
Remedial Leg Massage

What is the Difference Between Remedial & Relaxation Massage?

Remedial and Relaxation Massage: A Professional Guide

Introduction to Massage Therapy

Massage therapy plays a vital role in managing stress and muscle tension. This guide, from a physiotherapist's perspective, explores the differences and benefits of two popular types: remedial and relaxation massage.

The Essence of Relaxation Massage

Relaxation massage is a soothing therapy designed to de-stress and loosen up the body. Ideal after a hard-working week or when you feel like treating yourself, this massage involves flowing strokes, kneading, and gentle manipulations at your chosen pressure. It's a pain-free way to unwind and rejuvenate both your muscles and mind.

Related article: Relaxation Massage

The Benefits of Remedial Massage

Remedial massage is tailored for those with specific muscle tension or chronic pain. It may involve deep tissue work for short periods, but the results - relief from conditions like sciatica, carpal tunnel, stiff necks, and headaches - are significant. Your therapist will assess your needs and tailor the treatment accordingly, offering a personalised approach to pain relief and muscle recovery.

Related article: Remedial Massage

How to Choose Between Remedial and Relaxation Massage

Choosing between remedial and relaxation massage depends on your body's needs. Are you looking to simply unwind and de-stress? Or do you have specific muscle pains and discomforts that need addressing? Understanding your body's signals is key to making the right choice.

Understanding Your Body's Needs

Listen to your body: frequent headaches, muscle stiffness, or ongoing stress are signs that you might benefit from either type of massage. A relaxation massage is excellent for general wellbeing, while a remedial massage can address more specific issues.

Recent Research and Developments in Massage Therapy

Recent advances in physiotherapy and massage research have underscored the importance of tailored massage treatments. Studies show that personalised massage therapies can lead to better pain management and faster recovery.

Conclusion: Making the Right Choice for Your Body

In conclusion, whether you opt for a relaxation or remedial massage, the key is to choose what best suits your body's current needs. Both types offer substantial benefits and can significantly enhance your overall wellbeing.

What to Do?

If you're unsure about what type of massage is right for you, consider consulting a physiotherapist for guidance. They can offer professional advice and a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

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Massage Gift Vouchers are Available

Looking to treat someone to the rejuvenating touch of a PhysioWorks Massage Therapist?

Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or simply a desire to indulge in some self-care, a massage makes for a fantastic gift idea. You can easily organise a gift voucher by contacting our receptionist over the phone, or conveniently purchase a Massage Gift Voucher Online.

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