

John Miller Physiotherapist

Article by John Miller

What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis. Some people refer to it as degenerative arthritis. One of the definitive characteristics of osteoarthritis is the progressive thinning of your articular cartilage that coats the joint surface.

What Causes Osteoarthritis?

Thinning of your joint cartilage can have many causes, some are modifiable however, while some are not. Modifiable causes include how you move and load your joints, injuries and surgeries, obesity, management of metabolic conditions such as diabetes and inflammatory conditions, and overall activity levels. Non-modifiable factors include age, genetics, sex and joint deformities.

Osteoarthritis Cure?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for osteoarthritis. But the good news is that there are better ways to manage your osteoarthritis and slow the degeneration process. Better arthritis management will result in making your life easier and more comfortable. Physiotherapy is a significant part of making your life living with osteoarthritis less painful, comfier and keeping you active.

Research has shown physiotherapy to reduce the pain and disability associated with arthritis, especially knee osteoarthritis.


Seek the professional and helpful advice of your physiotherapist to start enjoying life again today!

Your Osteoarthritis Diagnosis

X-rays are the most straightforward test to confirm osteoarthritis. An experienced practitioner will have an excellent idea of whether you have osteoarthritis when they examine you.

How Does Osteoarthritis Affect Older People?

As you age, most people develop some degree of osteoarthritis. Our joints’ wear and tear may occur due to ageing, injury, prolonged microtrauma, overuse of bones, or excess weight. Permanent bony changes occur and will exist even when there are no painful symptoms.

Your degree of suffering varies. The most common is mild or intermittent pain provoked by episodes of increased use or minor trauma. Whereas some people may be symptom-free, others may suffer continuous disabling pain.

The joints most commonly affected are the weight-bearing joints: hip, knee, ankles, feet and spine. However, osteoarthritis can affect any joint in the body and is common in the hands and shoulders. Severe cases may require surgical treatment, but most will respond very well to physiotherapy and medication prescribed by your doctor.

Osteoarthritis Symptoms

You can suspect osteoarthritis if you experience one or more of the following symptoms:

  • joint pain or tenderness that intermittently returns
  • stiffness, particularly early morning stiffness
  • joint swelling or deformity
  • noticeable joint heat and redness
  • joint movement is painful or difficult.

Please consult your doctor or physiotherapist for definitive diagnosis and individualised treatment recommendations.

Related Articles

  1. Knee Osteoarthritis – Discover how physiotherapy can help manage knee osteoarthritis, including treatment options and lifestyle adjustments​​.
  2. Arthritis Services – Learn about the comprehensive services available for managing arthritis, including physiotherapy and personalised care plans​​.
  3. What is Arthritis? – Gain a deeper understanding of arthritis, its types, and the impact it has on your joints and daily life​​.
  4. Physiotherapy – Explore the role of physiotherapy in treating osteoarthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions, highlighting the benefits of professional guidance​​.
  5. Knee Pain (Acute & Chronic) – Find out about different causes of knee pain, including osteoarthritis, and how physiotherapy can alleviate symptoms​​.
  6. Knee Replacement – If you’re considering surgery, this article outlines what to expect from knee replacement and the importance of post-operative physiotherapy​​.

John Miller Physiotherapist

Article by John Miller

Understanding Arthritis-Related Conditions

An Overview

Arthritis is a prevalent and diverse group of conditions affecting millions worldwide. It encompasses many disorders characterised by inflammation and joint pain, often leading to stiffness, swelling, and reduced mobility. Arthritis can significantly impact a person's quality of life, affecting their ability to perform daily tasks and engage in physical activities.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of arthritis-related conditions, focusing on both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. By understanding these conditions' causes, symptoms, and treatment options, individuals can make informed decisions about managing their joint health and seek appropriate medical guidance.

Arthritis Overview

In this article, we will explore the fundamental aspects of arthritis, including its definition, common symptoms, and risk factors. By establishing a clear understanding of what arthritis entails, readers can grasp the broader context before diving into specific subtypes.

Rheumatoid Conditions

This article delves into rheumatoid conditions, encompassing autoimmune disorders primarily affecting the joints. We will provide an overview of each condition, highlighting key characteristics, diagnostic approaches, and available treatment modalities. The rheumatoid conditions covered in this article include:

Osteoarthritis Conditions

Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, is the focus of this section. We will delve into its definition, underlying causes, risk factors, and prevalence. Additionally, we will explore specific osteoarthritis conditions.

Spinal Arthritic Conditions

Peripheral Joint Arthritis

By dividing the information into these sections, we aim to provide readers with a well-structured and informative resource. Each section will delve into the specificities of the respective conditions, including their impact on different parts of the body, available treatment options, and strategies for managing symptoms. Whether you seek general knowledge or are personally affected by arthritis-related conditions, this article is a valuable guide to navigating this complex field.

Please note that while this article provides a comprehensive overview, it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Individuals experiencing symptoms or seeking specific treatment recommendations should consult with qualified healthcare professionals for personalised care.

John Miller Physiotherapist

Article by John Miller

Understanding Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis, commonly referred to as degenerative arthritis, stands as one of the most prevalent forms of arthritis.

Joints, over time, exhibit signs of wear and tear: the joint cartilage thins out, extra bony spurs develop in response to stress, and joint mobility diminishes. In advanced stages, osteoarthritis can become not only painful but also limiting in function and mood.

Exploring Osteoarthritis Management

Regrettably, a cure for osteoarthritis remains elusive. Nevertheless, there are more effective methods to manage the condition and slow down the degenerative process. By embracing these improvements, you can make your life smoother and more comfortable. A crucial component of this approach is physiotherapy, which plays a pivotal role in reducing osteoarthritis-related discomfort, enhancing comfort, and maintaining your activity levels.

Validating with Research

Numerous studies underscore the benefits of physiotherapy in alleviating pain and mitigating the disability linked to arthritis, especially in cases of knee osteoarthritis. (Source: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bjsports-2016-096458)

Empowering through Expert Guidance

To rediscover the joy of life, seek the insightful counsel of your physiotherapist today!

Navigating Osteoarthritis Diagnosis

The most straightforward test to confirm osteoarthritis remains an X-ray. A skilled practitioner can often make a reliable assessment of your condition upon examination.

Impact on Ageing Individuals

As we age, most of us inevitably encounter some degree of osteoarthritis. The wear and tear on our joints can result from various factors, including aging, injury, prolonged microtrauma, joint overuse, or excessive weight. This can lead to lasting changes in the bones, even in the absence of painful symptoms.

The extent of suffering varies, ranging from mild or occasional pain triggered by increased use or minor injury, to those who remain symptom-free and others who experience constant debilitating pain.

Weight-bearing joints like the hips, knees, ankles, feet, and spine are commonly affected. However, osteoarthritis can target any joint in the body, with hands and shoulders also being frequently affected. While severe cases might necessitate surgery, the majority respond positively to the combination of physician-prescribed physiotherapy and medication.

Recognising Osteoarthritis Signs

Osteoarthritis might be suspected if you encounter any of the following:

  • Intermittent joint pain or tenderness
  • Morning stiffness, particularly pronounced
  • Swelling or distortion of the joint
  • Detectable warmth and redness in the joint
  • Challenging joint movement

Holistic Osteoarthritis Care

For guidance on your osteoarthritis diagnosis, self-help strategies, or the most suitable treatment, reach out promptly to your physiotherapist or a trusted healthcare professional.

More Arthritis Info

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