TMJ Headache

TMJ Headache

John Miller Physiotherapist

Article by John Miller

TMJ Headache

Experiencing Jaw Headaches?

TMJ headaches, often stemming from the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), present as a persistent ache in the temple area, typically more pronounced on the side with the affected TMJ. These headaches can worsen with jaw tension, clenching, stress, or movement. Reducing tension in the jaw muscles may also decrease sensitivity in the jaw and surrounding areas.

Causes of TMJ Headache

TMJ dysfunction arises from built-up tension in the jaw and masticatory muscles. This tension is often linked with disorders like myotonic or articular disc derangements. Understanding these underlying causes is crucial for effective treatment.

The Role of a Physiotherapist in Diagnosing TMJ Headaches

A TMJ physiotherapist evaluates your jaw’s functionality to pinpoint potential causes of jaw headaches. This assessment is vital for devising an appropriate treatment plan.

Role of Imaging in Diagnosis

Imaging tests like OPG X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs can reveal oral conditions that might contribute to jaw headaches. However, these tests alone do not directly diagnose TMJ headaches.

This image captures a woman in a moment of discomfort, pressing her hand against her jaw and temple, indicative of a TMJ headache.
Tmj Headache Responds To Physiotherapy Treating The Cause

Treatment Approaches for TMJ Headache

A skilled TMJ physiotherapist, with special training in craniomandibular physiotherapy, plays a pivotal role in treating jaw headaches. They focus on restoring TMJ function by improving joint motion, muscle tension, and coordination.

TMJ Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy for the jaw may include:

  • Jaw muscle massage
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Joint mobilisation
  • Corrective TMJ exercises
  • Dry needling, Acupuncture
  • Personalised strategies based on individual conditions

For professional guidance, it’s advisable to consult with a qualified TMJ physiotherapist.

Recent Research and Advances in TMJ Treatment

Recent studies have highlighted the effectiveness of multimodal approaches in treating TMJ headaches. This includes a combination of physiotherapy, patient education, and lifestyle modifications. Advances in techniques such as occlusion plate interventions and Botulinum toxin injection therapy have also shown promise in pain management and functional improvement of the TMJ.

Understanding Related Conditions

TMJ headaches often coexist with other conditions like neck pain and tension headaches. Addressing these related issues is an integral part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

When to Seek Help: Headache or Migraine FAQs

Understanding when a headache is just a headache and when it might be indicative of a more serious condition like a migraine is essential. If headaches persist or worsen, seeking professional advice is recommended.


TMJ headaches require a multifaceted approach for effective management. Consulting a TMJ physiotherapist ensures a tailored treatment plan, focusing on reducing pain and restoring function. Taking the step to seek professional advice is crucial for managing TMJ headaches effectively.

The Importance of Professional Advice

If you’re experiencing persistent jaw discomfort or headaches, don’t hesitate to consult a TMJ physiotherapist. With their knowledge and skill set, you can embark on a journey towards pain relief and improved jaw function.

Related Articles

  • Headache, Neck & Jaw: Offers insights into various types of headaches, including TMJ headaches, and their connection to neck and jaw issues​​.
  • Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD): Discusses the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for TMJ disorders, highlighting physiotherapy’s role in managing these conditions​​.
  • TMJ FAQs: Provides answers to frequently asked questions about TMJ disorders, including how posture and stress impact TMJ issues​​.
  • Headache? Migraine? What To Do? A Physiotherapist Guide: Offers guidance on managing headaches and migraines, with a focus on the role of physiotherapists in treatment​​.
  • Jaw Pain: Explains complications associated with untreated TMJ disorders and how physiotherapy can help manage TMJ issues​​.
  • Tension Headache: Discusses the differences between various headache types, including TMJ headaches, and offers FAQs related to headache concerns​​.
  • What Causes TMJ?: Explores the potential causes of TMJ disorders and various treatment options available​​.
  • Neck Headache: Describes the characteristics of different headaches and migraines, emphasising the importance of professional consultation for accurate diagnosis and treatment​​.
  • Migraine: Focuses on severe headache symptoms and the importance of recognising urgent red flags in headache management​​.

John Miller Physiotherapist

Article by John Miller

Understanding TMJ: Frequently Asked Questions

What Causes TMJ

What is TMJ?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects your jawbone to your skull. TMJ disorders, or TMD, refer to a range of conditions that cause pain and discomfort in the jaw joint and muscles that control jaw movement. More info: TMJ Dysfunction.

What are the common symptoms of TMJ disorders?

TMJ disorders can lead to various symptoms, including jaw pain, difficulty opening or closing the mouth, clicking or popping sounds when chewing or talking, jaw headaches, earaches, and neck pain.

What causes TMJ disorders?

The exact cause of TMJ disorders isn't always straightforward. However, factors like jaw injuries, teeth loss, arthritis, teeth grinding (bruxism), facial muscle stress, poor posture, and certain medical conditions can contribute to developing TMJ issues. Clicking and locking jaw involves an articular disc derangement.

How are TMJ disorders diagnosed?

A dentist, TMJ physiotherapist or a Craniomandibular specialist will typically examine your jaw and listen for clicking or popping sounds when you move it. X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs may provide a detailed view of the joint and surrounding structures. But, most TMJ radiological changes will only become apparent in chronic cases. How your jaw is aligned at it opens is an important diagnostic and treatment guide.

What can I do at home to alleviate TMJ pain?

Applying moist heat packs to your jaw muscles, practising relaxation techniques to reduce stress, eating soft foods, avoiding gum chewing, and maintaining good posture can help manage TMJ pain at home. Avoiding over-clenching and practising full opening exercises and facial muscle massage are helpful.

When should I seek professional help for TMJ issues?

If you experience persistent or worsening pain in your jaw joint, headaches, clicking or difficulty opening or closing your mouth, or if your symptoms interfere with daily activities, you should consult a dentist or a TMJ physiotherapist for proper evaluation and treatment.

What are the treatment options for TMJ disorders?

Treatment varies based on the severity and cause of the condition. It can include self-care measures like rest and gentle jaw exercises, pain relievers, muscle relaxants, dental splints or mouthguards, TMJ physiotherapy, and in severe cases, surgery. In some instances crowns and bridges can improve teeth alignment, which improve your TMJ resting posture. Most cases do not require surgery.

Can TMJ disorders be prevented?

While some factors are beyond your control, such as genetics, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk. Avoid excessive gum or pen lid chewing, practice good posture, manage stress effectively, and wear protective mouthguards if you tend to grind your teeth. Gentle preventative exercises can also be prescribed by your TMJ physiotherapist.

How can a dentist help with TMJ issues?

Dentists can thoroughly assess your condition, offer guidance on pain management techniques, recommend appropriate treatments, and create custom-fitted oral appliances to alleviate symptoms and prevent teeth grinding. Oral plates assist with the resting posture of your TMJs so is probably the most effective

Are there any complications associated with untreated TMJ disorders?

If left untreated, TMJ disorders can lead to significant and permanent arthritis joint changes, articular disc degradation, chronic pain, difficulty eating, worsening teeth grinding, and even changes in the alignment of your teeth and jaw.

How can a physiotherapist assist with TMJ issues?

Physiotherapists play a crucial role in managing TMJ disorders by focusing on the muscles and joints involved in jaw movement. A TMJ physiotherapist' s strength is the improvement in the symmetrical motion of your TMJs to fully open and close. They use a range of techniques to help alleviate pain and improve jaw function:

Manual Therapy

Physiotherapists use hands-on techniques to manipulate and mobilise the jaw joint, helping to restore its normal range of motion and reduce discomfort.


Physiotherapists can design specific exercises to strengthen and stretch the muscles around the jaw. These exercises help improve jaw stability, reduce muscle tension, and enhance overall jaw function.

Posture Correction

Poor posture can contribute to TMJ issues. A physiotherapist can assess your posture and guide you on maintaining proper alignment, which can help alleviate strain on the jaw joint.

Relaxation Techniques

Stress and tension often exacerbate TMJ problems. Physiotherapists can teach relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and mindfulness, to help manage stress and reduce muscle tension in the jaw area.

Pain Management

Physiotherapists can use various modalities, such as ultrasound, heat therapy, or electrical stimulation, to help manage pain and inflammation in the jaw joint and surrounding muscles.


A physiotherapist can provide valuable instruction about proper jaw mechanics, ergonomics, and habits that might contribute to TMJ issues. They can guide you on how to modify your daily activities to reduce strain on the jaw.


Physiotherapists often work collaboratively with dentists, orthodontists, and other healthcare professionals to create a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses TMJ disorders' structural and functional aspects.

Incorporating physiotherapy into your TMJ treatment plan can enhance your overall recovery by targeting muscle imbalances, improving joint mobility, and providing you with tools to manage pain and stress effectively. It's advisable to consult with a qualified TMJ physiotherapist who has experience in treating jaw pain issues to receive personalised care tailored to your needs.


In conclusion, TMJ disorders can cause discomfort and interfere with daily life. However, with proper care and treatment, many people find relief from their symptoms. Suppose you're experiencing persistent jaw pain or related symptoms. In that case, it's wise to consult your dentist or a TMJ physiotherapist for a thorough assessment and guidance tailored to your situation.

TMJ & Jaw Pain FAQs

John Miller Physiotherapist

Article by John Miller

TMJ Treatment: Finding the Optimal Approach

Physiotherapist instructing a female patient on jaw exercises for TMJ treatment at PhysioWorks clinic.
A Physiotherapist Helps A Patient Succeed Through Jaw Exercises For Tmj Treatment.

What is TMJ Dysfunction?

TMJ dysfunction, or temporomandibular joint disorder, affects the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. Treatment depends on several factors, including the diagnosis, specific nature of the dysfunction, and its duration.

Effective Treatment for TMJ Opening Disorders

Enhancing jaw movement techniques often yield positive outcomes for TMJ opening disorders. These techniques include jaw muscle massages, dry needling, acupuncture, muscle relaxation exercises, and joint capsule stretching methods. Your physiotherapist typically administers these, ensuring a personalised approach to your condition.

Managing TMJ Closing Disorders

TMJ closing disorders, such as bruxism (teeth grinding), often fall within the domain of your dentist. Occlusion splints or bite plates can help if needed.

When to See Your Dentist or TMJ Physiotherapist?

For jaw joint pain, clicking, or limited motion during mouth opening, consult a TMJ physiotherapist. For teeth clenching issues, your dentist can provide guidance. Seeking advice from a TMJ health professional is crucial as they can guide you toward the most appropriate care pathway if required.

Physiotherapy TMJ Treatment

Following a thorough assessment, your TMJ physiotherapist will initiate corrective measures. The effectiveness of TMJ physiotherapy primarily stems from its ability to address movement disorders related to muscle and joint control.

Prompt Relief through Physiotherapy for TMJ Dysfunction

A silver lining is that your TMJ physiotherapist can begin treatment for your TMJ dysfunction, muscular tension, or coordination concerns on the same day as your assessment. If physiotherapy is appropriate, you may experience significant improvement or even complete resolution after your initial treatment session.

If physiotherapy isn't projected to be effective, a referral to the most suitable healthcare professional for a swift resolution will be provided.

Positive Prognosis for TMJ Treatment

Conservative treatment typically yields positive outcomes for most patients, with symptoms potentially improving even without intervention. A study by Field in 2012 highlighted the efficacy of conservative TMJ physiotherapy, with 75% of the TMD group experiencing resolution within three months. Most patients see improvement within weeks of starting TMJ treatment. This contrasts with the slower resolution observed in a non-physiotherapy treatment group studied by Rammelsberg in 2003, where only 33% of TMD sufferers experienced spontaneous resolution over five years.

Addressing Locked Jaw Concerns

A locked jaw, whether temporary or permanent, is distressing. Your TMJ physiotherapist can often alleviate this through gentle manipulation. If manipulation proves ineffective, consultation with an Oral Surgeon may be necessary, potentially leading to manipulation under anesthesia or a surgical procedure known as arthrocentesis (joint washout). Open surgery, reserved for chronic cases, is rare and mainly aims at identifying and removing physical obstructions in permanently locked jaws.

TMJ Physiotherapy Treatment and Targeted Exercises

Tailored TMJ exercises and treatments include:

  • Enhancing posture and neck care.
  • Incorporating relaxation exercises.
  • Facilitating muscle lengthening and jaw muscle massages.
  • Administering TMJ joint mobilisation.
  • Correcting TMJ movement patterns and timings.
  • Employing various exercise levels, from passive to active-assisted to fully active.
  • Engaging in TMJ stabilisation exercises.
  • Exploring options like dry needling and acupuncture.

To optimise benefits, follow specific TMJ exercises prescribed after a comprehensive TMJ assessment by your physiotherapist.

Steering Clear of TMJ Dysfunction Triggers

Until you consult your TMJ physiotherapist, avoid the following triggers:

  • Uncontrolled wide-opening actions, such as yawning.
  • Biting into hard foods, e.g., carrots or apples.
  • Consuming challenging items like burgers or hard rolls.
  • Engaging in gum-chewing.
  • Succumbing to nail-biting tendencies.
  • Leaning on the jaw.
  • Mitigating stress.
  • Refraining from clenching pens, pencils, e-cigarettes, or cigars.

What to Do?

Each instance of TMJ dysfunction presents unique facets. Consulting a Craniofacial specialist, dentist, or TMJ physiotherapist for a professional evaluation is recommended.

TMJ Treatment FAQs

1. What is TMJ treatment?
TMJ treatment addresses temporomandibular joint disorders affecting the jaw. It includes techniques like jaw muscle massages, dry needling, and joint mobilisation.

2. How does a TMJ physiotherapist help?
A TMJ physiotherapist assesses your condition and provides treatments to improve jaw movement, reduce pain, and address muscle and joint control issues.

3. When should I see a TMJ physiotherapist?
Consult a TMJ physiotherapist for jaw joint pain, clicking, or limited motion during mouth opening. For teeth clenching issues, see your dentist.

4. Can physiotherapy help with a locked jaw?
Yes, physiotherapy often helps with a locked jaw through gentle manipulation. If this is ineffective, an Oral Surgeon may be consulted for further treatment.

5. What exercises are recommended for TMJ?
TMJ exercises include posture enhancement, relaxation exercises, muscle lengthening, jaw muscle massages, joint mobilisation, and stabilisation exercises.

6. What should I avoid with TMJ dysfunction?
Avoid uncontrolled wide-opening actions, biting hard foods, gum-chewing, nail-biting, leaning on the jaw, and clenching pens or pencils until you see your TMJ physiotherapist.

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  9. Mayo Clinic: TMJ Disorders
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