Locked Facet Joint Syndrome

Is Walking Good For Back Pain?

Article by Erin Hickey Is Walking Good For Back Pain? With an acute onset of low back pain, you can make the easy mistake of thinking that you just need to rest to ensure the pain does not worsen or cause any damage. The latest research highlights that the back responds best to gentle movement, particularly in the early stages compared to prolonged, sustained positions. Early aerobic exercise for an acute onset of low back pain can result in a better outcome with...


What Causes Back Pain For No Reason?

What Causes Back Pain For No Reason? There are many possible reasons you may begin to experience pain in your back. Although the most frequently self-reported cause tends to be lifting manoeuvres, symptoms can still develop without a precise instigating mechanism or event. Whilst it may be difficult to identify why pain in the back has developed, several risk factors may explain it. Some of these are modifiable. You can change them to reduce the likelihood of you experiencing back pain...

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