Frequently Asked Questions

Introduction to Hip & Groin Pain

Hip and groin pain affects a wide array of individuals, from athletes to the elderly. Understanding the common causes and treatments of this pain is vital for maintaining overall well-being and mobility.

Common Causes of Hip Pain

hip & groin pain
Hip &Amp; Groin Pain Causes &Amp; Treatment

Lateral Hip Pain and Its Causes

Groin Pain: Different Types and Causes

Other Muscle-Related Pain

Systemic Diseases Affecting the Hip

Referred Pain Sources

  • Sciatica: Pain radiating along the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back through the hips and down the legs.
  • Lower Back Pain: Can refer pain to the hip area.
  • Pinched Nerve: Nerve compression in the spine or hip area.

Hip Surgery: A Solution for Severe Cases

What's New in Hip & Groin Pain Research?

Recent studies suggest the importance of tailored exercise programs in managing hip and groin pain. Physiotherapy techniques focusing on strengthening and stabilising the deep hip rotators and core muscles have shown significant improvements in pain management and mobility.

What to Do? Seeking Professional Advice

If you're experiencing hip or groin pain, it's crucial to consult with a physiotherapist or doctor.

They can assess your condition, provide a personalised treatment plan, and guide you through exercises tailored to your specific needs.


Hip and groin pain can significantly impact your quality of life. However, with the right knowledge and professional guidance, managing and overcoming this pain is achievable.

Related Articles

  1. Groin Pain Management - Expert advice on managing groin pain, covering causes such as adductor tendinopathy and femoroacetabular impingement​​.
  2. Hip, Groin & Buttock Pain FAQs: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments - Answers to frequently asked questions about hip, groin, and buttock pain, including symptoms, causes, and treatments​​.
  3. Hip Labral Tear - Information on hip labral tears, their symptoms, and treatment options​​.
  4. Piriformis Syndrome - Understanding & Physio Treatment Tips - Insight into piriformis syndrome, a condition causing buttock pain and how physiotherapy can help​​.
  5. Trochanteric Bursitis - Hip Bursitis: Causes & Treatments - An article explaining the causes of hip bursitis and offering treatment solutions​​.
  6. Groin Strain - Discusses groin strains, their symptoms, causes, and treatment methods​​.
  7. Gluteal Tendinopathy: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment - Offers insights into the causes and treatment of gluteal tendinopathy​​.

Hip, Groin, Buttock Pain FAQs

Welcome to our comprehensive FAQ section, designed to address your concerns about hip, groin, and buttock pain. Here, we aim to provide clear, accessible information to help you understand the potential causes of your discomfort and the various treatment options available. Our physiotherapy experts have compiled a series of questions and answers to guide you through common issues, from hip impingement to sciatica, and everything in between. For more in-depth exploration, we've linked to related articles on our website, allowing you to delve deeper into each topic.

Hip, Groin, Buttock Pain
Hip, Groin, Buttock Pain Faqs

Hip Pain FAQs

Dealing with hip pain can be challenging, impacting your mobility and quality of life. Explore our detailed articles for insights on diagnosis, treatment options, and the importance of hip core muscles in maintaining joint health.

Lateral Hip Pain FAQs

Lateral hip pain, including conditions like gluteal tendinopathy and hip bursitis, requires targeted treatment strategies. Discover effective physiotherapy approaches to manage and alleviate your pain.

Groin Pain FAQs

Groin pain can significantly affect your ability to perform daily activities. Learn how to recognise serious symptoms and find effective relief methods through our expert advice.

Buttock Pain FAQs

Buttock pain, including conditions like SIJ pain and sciatica, can be debilitating. Our articles offer insights into symptoms, causes, and comprehensive treatment options to help you recover.


Our FAQ section is designed to be your go-to resource for hip, groin, and buttock pain. Whether you're dealing with a temporary discomfort or a chronic condition, understanding your symptoms and knowing the best treatment options is crucial. Remember, while our website provides valuable information, consulting a physiotherapist for a tailored diagnosis and treatment plan is always recommended. Explore our related articles for more in-depth knowledge and take the first step towards a pain-free life today.

Related Articles

  1. Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (GTPS) - Readers can learn about the causes and management of pain near the greater trochanter, which is closely related to lateral hip pain.
  2. Trochanteric Bursitis - Hip Bursitis: Causes & Treatments - This article explains the causes of hip bursitis and offers treatment solutions, relevant to those experiencing lateral hip pain.
  3. Gluteal Tendinopathy: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment - Offers insights into the causes and treatment of hip tendinitis, a condition linked to lateral hip pain.
  4. Hip Adductor Tendinopathy - Effective Physio Solutions - Focuses on groin pain caused by inflammation or degeneration of tendons in the hip region, directly relevant to the groin pain FAQ.
  5. Hip Flexor: Iliopsoas Groin Pain: Causes And Treatment - Provides detailed information on hip flexor issues, which can cause groin pain, making it highly relevant to readers of the original article.
  6. Hip & Groin Pain Guide: Causes, Treatment, Physio Advice - A comprehensive guide on hip and groin pain, covering common causes and treatments that align with the article's topics.
  7. Piriformis Syndrome - Understanding & Physio Treatment Tips - Discusses piriformis syndrome, a condition causing buttock pain, which is directly related to one of the SEO keywords.
  8. What Is Hip Impingement? - Explains hip impingement, a condition causing hip and sometimes groin pain, providing valuable insights into potential causes of the reader's discomfort.
  9. Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction (SIJ) Causes, Relief, Treatment - Relevant for readers experiencing buttock pain, as it covers SIJ pain, a topic mentioned in the original article.
  10. Hip Arthritis - While not directly mentioned in the FAQ sections, hip arthritis can be a source of hip pain, making this article useful for readers wanting to understand more about hip conditions and pain management.

John Miller Physiotherapist

Article by John Miller

What is the Best Way to Relieve Hip Pain?

A thorough analysis of WHY you suffer hip pain from a movement, posture, or a control aspect, is vital to solving your hip pain.

Only an accurate diagnosis of the source of your hip pain can solve the pain, quickly improve your day-to-day function, prevent a future recurrence,  or improve your athletic performance.

The first choice of short-term therapy has been symptomatic hip treatment. This approach could include local chemical modalities such as cortisone injections or painkillers. Ice or heat could also assist with some gentle stretching or exercise.

However, persisting hip problems will require additional investigations to assess your joint integrity or range of motion, muscle length, strength, endurance, power, contraction timing and dynamic stability control.

You should consult a healthcare practitioner interested in hip pain and injury management to thoroughly assess your hip, groin, pelvis, lower limb and spine. Due to the kinetic chain, they all impact, especially at the high athletic performance end. A quality practitioner will educate you on your condition and combine it with exercise and manual therapy per the Clinical Practice Guidelines. (Cibulka et al., 2017) Hip pain education should include specific activity modification, individualised exercises, weight-loss advice (if required), and methods to unload any arthritic joints.

Recent research evidence-backed approaches have modernised physiotherapy treatment approaches to manage hip pain effectively. With a thorough hip assessment, your hip treatment can progress quickly to restore you to a pain-free hip and perform your regular sport or daily activities in the shortest time possible.

For specific rehabilitation advice regarding your hip pain, seek the professional advice of high-quality and up-to-date physiotherapists experienced in assessing, treating, preventing, and optimising hip pain and related conditions. After evaluating you, they will individually prescribe therapeutic activities based on your needs for daily living, values, and functional activities or point you toward the most suitable healthcare practitioner for you and your hip condition.

Hip Pain Treatment Options

Your hip physiotherapist may consider an extensive range of treatment options, including manual joint therapy to improve your joint mobility, muscle stretches or supportive taping. Your physiotherapist will also likely add strengthening and hip joint control exercises as they deem appropriate for your specific functional and sporting needs. Please consult with them for advice.

Related Articles

  1. Hip Pain & Injury
    • Discover causes, symptoms, and treatment options for hip pain and injuries, highlighting the importance of accurate diagnosis and personalised treatment plans.
  2. Hip Arthritis (Osteoarthritis)
    • Learn about hip arthritis, its symptoms, and how physiotherapy can help manage pain and improve joint function.
  3. FAI (Femoroacetabular Impingement)
    • Understand what FAI is, how it affects your hip, and the physiotherapy treatment options available to relieve pain and restore mobility.
  4. Hip Replacement Recovery
    • Find out what to expect during the recovery process after a hip replacement surgery and how physiotherapy plays a crucial role in rehabilitation.
  5. Labral Tears of the Hip
    • Explore the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for labral tears of the hip, including conservative management and surgical interventions.
  6. Gluteal Tendinopathy
    • Get insights into gluteal tendinopathy, a common cause of hip pain, including effective physiotherapy treatments to alleviate symptoms.
  7. Piriformis Syndrome
    • Learn about piriformis syndrome, its impact on hip and sciatic pain, and how physiotherapy can help relieve discomfort.
  8. Hip Bursitis
    • Understand the causes, symptoms, and physiotherapy treatment options for hip bursitis to reduce inflammation and pain.
  9. Core Stability Exercises
    • Discover how strengthening your core can improve hip stability and reduce pain, featuring exercises suitable for all levels.
  10. Hip Strengthening Exercises
    • Explore specific exercises designed to strengthen the hip muscles, improve joint function, and prevent future hip pain.

John Miller Physiotherapist

Article by John Miller

Thigh Injuries

Thigh injuries can significantly impact your daily life and activities, whether you're an athlete or someone who enjoys staying active. As a physiotherapist, I often encounter individuals seeking assistance for various lower body ailments. In this guide, I'll discuss the most common thigh injuries, their causes, prevention strategies, and when to seek professional advice.

Female runner with thigh pain on a beachfront concrete path at dawn.
Common Thigh Injuries Can Hamper Performance

Common Thigh Injuries

Thigh Pain

  • Thigh injuries encompass a range of conditions, including muscle strains and contusions. These injuries often occur during sports activities, sudden movements, or accidents. Symptoms may include pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty moving the affected leg.

Hamstring Strain

  • A hamstring strain involves damage to one or more of the muscles at the back of the thigh. This injury is prevalent among athletes, particularly those involved in sports requiring sprinting, jumping, or sudden changes in direction. Symptoms include sharp pain, tenderness, and weakness in the hamstring muscles.

ITB Syndrome

  • Iliotibial band syndrome, or ITB syndrome, is a common overuse injury among runners and cyclists. It occurs when the ITB, a thick band of tissue running along the outside of the thigh, becomes inflamed or irritated. Symptoms typically include pain on the outer side of the knee, especially during activities such as running or cycling.

Runner’s Knee

  • Runner's knee, also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome, is a common complaint among runners, cyclists, and individuals who engage in repetitive knee movements. It causes pain around or behind the kneecap, often exacerbated by activities such as climbing stairs, squatting, or sitting for prolonged periods.


  • Sciatica refers to pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back through the hips and down each leg. It can result from various factors, including a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or muscle tightness. Symptoms may include sharp or burning pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the legs.

Prevention Strategies

Preventing lower body injuries begins with understanding the risk factors and implementing proactive measures. Here are some strategies to help you safeguard your lower body health:

  1. Warm-up and Cool-down: Incorporate dynamic warm-up exercises before physical activity to prepare your muscles and joints for movement. Follow up with gentle stretching and cool-down exercises to aid in muscle recovery and flexibility.
  2. Gradual Progression: Avoid overexertion by gradually increasing the intensity, duration, and frequency of your workouts. Sudden spikes in activity level can increase the risk of injury, so listen to your body and progress at a pace that feels comfortable.
  3. Proper Technique: Ensure proper form and technique during exercise to minimise the risk of strain or injury. Consult with a qualified fitness instructor or physiotherapist to learn correct movement patterns and modifications tailored to your needs.
  4. Strength and Flexibility: Incorporate strength and flexibility exercises targeting the muscles surrounding your thighs, hips, and knees. Focus on exercises that improve stability, balance, and range of motion to support your lower body joints during physical activity.
  5. Rest and Recovery: Allow for adequate rest and recovery between workouts to prevent overuse injuries and promote muscle repair. Listen to your body's cues and avoid pushing through pain or fatigue, as this can lead to further injury.


By prioritising prevention strategies and seeking professional guidance when needed, you can minimise the risk of experiencing debilitating lower body injuries. Remember to listen to your body, respect its limits, and invest in its long-term health and functionality.

What to Do?

If you're experiencing persistent pain or discomfort in your lower body, it's essential to seek the guidance of a qualified physiotherapist. They can assess your condition, provide targeted treatment, and develop a tailored rehabilitation plan to help you recover safely and effectively.

Knee Pain Causes

A Comprehensive Guide

Knee pain is often a symptom of underlying issues ranging from acute injuries to systemic health conditions. Identifying knee pain causes is essential for effective treatment. This guide offers an overview of potential culprits, providing a pathway to understanding and addressing your knee discomfort.

Knee Pain Causes
Knee Pain Causes

Knee Ligament Injuries

Ligament injuries, such as ACL and PCL tears, are significant knee pain causes. They can lead to instability and severe discomfort, requiring prompt medical evaluation.

ACL Injuries

An ACL injury is a common sports-related knee injury that can lead to long-term knee pain and require surgical intervention.

Knee Meniscus Injuries

Meniscus tears, often caused by twisting or turning quickly, are prevalent knee pain causes, with treatment options varying based on severity.

Kneecap Pain

Pain in the kneecap can arise from various conditions, affecting your ability to engage in daily activities comfortably.

Knee Arthritis

Arthritis is a leading cause of knee pain, particularly in older adults, with symptoms that can significantly impair quality of life.

Knee Tendon Injuries

Tendon injuries can result from overuse or sudden, high-impact activities, contributing to ongoing knee pain.

Muscle Injuries

Muscle strains and related conditions are common knee pain causes, especially among athletes and active individuals.

Knee Bursitis

Inflammation of the bursae can cause significant knee pain, often requiring targeted treatment to reduce symptoms.

Children’s Knee Conditions

Young athletes can experience specific knee conditions related to growth and activity levels.

Other Knee-Related Conditions

Various other conditions can lead to knee pain, necessitating a broad understanding of potential knee pain causes.

Knee Surgery

In some cases, surgical intervention may be the best option to address certain knee pain causes effectively.

Seek Professional Advice

For tailored information regarding your knee pain, consult a healthcare professional with experience in knee conditions, such as a knee physiotherapist, sports physician or knee surgeon. They can provide a personalised assessment and treatment plan to address your specific needs.

Knee Pain Products & FAQs

A variety of products can support knee pain management. Browse our selection and read our FAQs to learn more about how to alleviate knee discomfort. More info: Knee Pain Products & FAQs

With this guide, you’re better equipped to understand the various knee pain causes and take the first step towards recovery. Remember, early intervention by a skilled physiotherapist can significantly improve your outcomes and assist in returning you to a pain-free, active lifestyle.

Knee Pain FAQs

Knee pain is a widespread issue, impacting individuals of varying ages and lifestyles. Causes range from injuries and wear and tear to conditions like arthritis. This FAQ section aims to provide insights into knee pain, covering diagnosis, ligament issues, ACL injuries, meniscal injuries, age and arthritis concerns, and pain relief methods through exercise and treatment.

Feel free to click on the questions to for deeper discussions into each topic.

knee pain faqs
Knee Pain Faqs

Diagnosis Related

How Can I Determine If My Knee Injury Is Serious?

  • Learn to assess the severity of your knee injury based on symptoms and situations.

How Can I Identify The Type Of Knee Injury I Have?

  • Discover how different knee injuries manifest and what signs to look for.

When Should I Seek a Physiotherapist or Doctor for My Knee Injury?

  • Find out the right time to consult professionals for your knee concerns.

Is Knee Clicking a Sign of a Serious Condition?

  • Understand what knee clicking indicates about your joint health.

When Should I Consider Getting a MRI for My Knee?

  • Learn about the circumstances when an MRI becomes necessary.

Why Has My Knee Suddenly Started Hurting?

  • Explore potential reasons behind sudden knee pain.

Why Does My Knee Hurt On The Inner Side?

  • Identify causes of inner knee pain and when to seek help.

Knee Ligament Related

What Are The Common Symptoms of a Torn Ligament in the Knee?

  • Recognise the signs of a torn knee ligament.

Can I Walk With A Torn Ligament In My Knee?

  • Understand the feasibility and risks of walking with a torn ligament.

ACL Related

What are the Consequences of Not Getting Surgery for an ACL Injury?

  • Learn about the long-term effects of untreated ACL injuries.

What Are The Symptoms Of An ACL Tear?

  • Identify the key signs of an ACL tear.

Meniscus Related

Is Surgery Necessary for a Meniscal Injury?

  • Discover when surgery is essential for meniscal injuries.

Can a Torn Meniscus Heal Without Surgery?

  • Find out if meniscal tears can heal naturally.

Age & Arthritis Related

At What Age Do Knee Problems Typically Begin?

  • Learn about the onset age for common knee problems.

What are the Common Symptoms of Arthritis in the Knee?

  • Identify arthritis symptoms in the knee.

Running Related

What are Some Ways that Runners Can Reduce Knee Stress?

  • Explore methods for runners to minimise knee stress.

Knee Treatment & Exercise Related

Is Walking Good For Knee Pain?

  • Understand the benefits of walking for knee pain.

What are Some Effective Ways to Relieve Knee Pain?

  • Discover various methods to alleviate knee pain.

How Much Walking is Recommended for Individuals with Knee Pain?

  • Learn the ideal walking duration for those with knee pain.

Related Articles

John Miller Physiotherapist

Article by John Miller

Calf Pain: Common Causes, Treatments and Solutions

Your Guide to Managing Calf Pain Effectively

Suffering from calf pain can throw a wrench in your daily routine, whether you're hitting the gym or just keeping up with your active lifestyle. Understanding the root causes of calf pain is essential for effective management and prevention. Let's dive into the common culprits of calf discomfort and how you can address them, guided by advice from physiotherapists.

Calf Strains and How to Handle Them

Calf strains frequently occur among the physically active, marked by a sudden sharp pain or discomfort during movement. Adopting the RICE method—rest, ice, compression, and elevation—plays a pivotal role in treatment. More info: Strained Calf Muscle

Facing Compartment Syndrome

Compartment syndrome is a serious condition where muscle pressure escalates to harmful levels, impeding blood flow and depriving muscle and nerve cells of necessary nutrients and oxygen. Prompt diagnosis is key to avoiding long-term damage. More info: Compartment Syndrome

Combatting Cramps: Tips for Athletes

Muscle cramps often signal fatigue, dehydration, or electrolyte imbalance. Staying hydrated and maintaining a diet rich in essential nutrients can help prevent cramps, ensuring you stay on top of your game. More info: Muscle Cramps

Navigating Achilles Injuries

Achilles injuries range from tendinopathy due to overuse to acute ruptures. These conditions require careful attention and, in the case of ruptures, immediate treatment to facilitate recovery and prevent further injury. More info: Achilles Tendinopathy
calf muscle pain
Calf Pain Has Numerous Treatment Options

Incorporating New Research

Recent studies underscore the importance of targeted rehabilitation exercises and the potential benefits of other therapies  in treating calf muscle pain. These advanced treatments can significantly improve outcomes, particularly for persistent cases. Please ask the advice of your physiotherapist or doctor on the nest treatment options or you.

Dry Needling: A Game-Changer for Calf Muscle Pain

In recent years, dry needling has emerged as a revolutionary approach to alleviating muscle pain, offering a unique solution for those struggling with persistent calf discomfort. This technique involves inserting thin needles into specific points within the muscle, known as trigger points, to stimulate healing and relieve pain.

Why Consider Dry Needling?

Physiotherapists recommend dry needling for several reasons:
  • Targeted Relief: By focusing on trigger points, dry needling works directly on the source of pain, providing rapid relief.
  • Enhanced Recovery: This method not only reduces pain but also improves flexibility and increases blood flow, speeding up the recovery process.
  • Complements Other Treatments: Dry needling can be used in conjunction with other physiotherapy treatments, such as manual therapy and exercises, to enhance overall effectiveness.

Is Dry Needling Right for You?

While dry needling is safe and effective for many, it's essential to consult with a physiotherapist to determine if this treatment is suitable for your specific condition. Your physiotherapist will assess your calf pain, taking into account your medical history and treatment preferences, to recommend the best approach for you. More info: Dry Needling

Conclusion: Embracing Comprehensive Care for Calf Muscle Pain

Calf pain need not hold you back from enjoying an active, fulfilling life. By understanding the causes, exploring treatment options like dry needling, and seeking professional advice, you can take control of your pain and embark on a path to recovery. Remember, a tailored approach to treatment, combining traditional physiotherapy methods with innovative techniques like dry needling, often yields the best results.

What to Do? When to Seek Professional Advice

Experiencing calf muscle pain? Don't let it sideline you. Consult with a skilled physiotherapist or doctor for personalised advice and treatment options. Remember, early intervention can prevent complications and get you back on your feet sooner.

Related Articles

  1. Calf Pain - Discover how common activities like running can lead to calf pain and the steps you can take to prevent it.
  2. Calf Strain & Calf Tear: Physio Treatment, And Recovery - Learn about the treatment and recovery process for calf strains and tears, essential information for anyone physically active.
  3. Achilles Rupture: Causes, Treatment & Management Options - Get insights into the causes of Achilles ruptures and the treatment options available for recovery.
  4. Compartment Syndrome - Explore the critical condition of compartment syndrome, its effects on the muscles, and the importance of timely treatment.
  5. Achilles Tendinopathy - Understand the symptoms of Achilles tendinopathy and the steps towards recovery.
  6. Leg Pain - This article provides a broad overview of leg pain, including causes related to the calf, and treatment options.
  7. Calf Pain Relief Products: Relieve Calf Muscle Pain Effectively - Discover how the OPPO 1010 Shin Support can provide relief for shin and calf pain.
  8. Moon Boot For Effective Lower Leg Injury Recovery - Find out how a moon boot can aid recovery from lower leg injuries, including those affecting the calf.
  9. Retrocalcaneal Bursitis - Learn about the impact of retrocalcaneal bursitis on the calf and treatment options.

Foot, Ankle & Heel Pain FAQs


Welcome to PhysioWorks' comprehensive FAQ page on Foot, Ankle, and Heel Pain. Our expert physiotherapists are here to guide you in managing and overcoming discomfort. We’ve organised the FAQs into categories, each with a brief overview and links to in-depth articles, making navigation and understanding easier for you.

physiotherapist treating a patient for foot pain
Physiotherapist Demonstrating Foot Pain Treatment To Patient

Foot Pain

Step into the various causes of foot pain and learn effective ways to relieve discomfort. Understand the impact of activities like barefoot running.

Ankle Injuries

Explore common ankle injuries and how to address them. From sprains to ligament damage, find out the best practices for care and prevention.

Heel Pain

Uncover the reasons behind heel pain and the effective treatments available. This section is particularly useful for understanding conditions like plantar fasciitis and heel spurs.

Achilles Pain

Find out how to manage and treat Achilles tendinopathy, a common concern for athletes and active individuals.

Shin Pain

Learn about shin splints, their causes, and how to alleviate this common issue, especially among runners.

Youth Injuries

Gain insights into youth leg injuries, including growing pains and heel issues in children.

Balance & Proprioception

Enhance your balance and proprioception with our professional  advice and exercises.

Related Articles

  1. Sprained Ankle Treatment & Recovery Guide: Offers detailed advice on how to manage sprained ankles, including immediate recovery steps and physiotherapy treatments​​.
  2. Ankle Pain: Effective Management And Treatment Options: Discusses various conditions leading to ankle pain and outlines effective treatment strategies, highlighting the role of physiotherapy in pain reduction and mobility improvement​​.
  3. Plantar Fasciitis: Provides an overview of plantar fasciitis, including common causes, treatment options, and related conditions like peroneal tendinopathy and Achilles tendinopathy.
  4. Achilles Tendinopathy: Focuses on the causes of Achilles tendinopathy, its impact on heel pain, and a range of treatment and prevention strategies​​.
  5. Ankle Strapping: Complete Guide To Injury Prevention: Explains the benefits of ankle strapping as a preventative measure against injuries, with a focus on techniques and materials​​.
  6. Heel Pain: Explores various causes of heel pain, including tendon injuries, foot injuries, bone injuries, and systemic conditions, alongside recommended treatments​​.

Common Heel Pain Causes

What's Causing Your Heel Pain?

This article digs into various heel pain and injury conditions that often trouble individuals. From the well-known discomfort of plantar fasciitis to the presence of heel spurs, we'll navigate through prevalent issues that impact our mobility.

Alongside discussions about frequently asked questions and recommended products, our exploration extends to traumatic ankle ligament injuries, tendon problems, foot injuries, bone fractures, degenerative conditions, biomechanical issues, nerve-related sources, muscle injuries, and systemic conditions. This comprehensive guide aims to provide clarity and understanding for those dealing with ankle and foot discomfort.

heel pain
Heel Pain

Heel Pain

FAQs & Products

Traumatic Ankle Ligament Injuries

Tendon Injuries

Foot Injuries

Bone Injuries

Degenerative Conditions

Soft Tissue Inflammation

Biomechanical Conditions

Nerve-Related Sources

Muscle Injuries

Systemic Conditions

General Information

Article by Scott Schulte

How Do You Treat Achilles Tendinopathy?

The Achilles tendon is one of the biggest and strongest tendons in the human body. It is a continuation of the calf muscles and inserts at the bottom of the calcaneus (heel bone). “Achilles tendinopathy” refers to a combination of changes affecting the Achilles tendon, usually due to overuse or chronic excessive stress on the tendon. It can occur in athletes and non-athletes.

Treatment Options:

The specific approach used to treat Achilles tendinopathy can differ slightly depending on the location and stage of your tendinopathy. However, there are common strategies that research has shown to be effective.

  • Activity modifications include a temporary reduction in the activities that cause more than mild discomfort.
  • Heel lifts, supportive shoes and offload taping can effectively allow acute symptoms to settle.
  • Manual therapy, including massage or dry needling to improve mobility and ease muscle spasms around the lower leg and ankle.
  • Appropriate tendon loading exercises to restore flexibility and strength in the Achilles tendon and surrounding muscles.
  • Anti-inflammatory medications may be considered in particularly stubborn cases to assist in settling acute symptoms.
  • Management of other contributing factors such as obesity, diabetes and lifestyle habits is also beneficial.

Your physiotherapists at PhysioWorks will diagnose your Achilles tendinopathy and identify any contributing factors. They use various strategies and manual therapy techniques to settle your pain and guide you through a specific tendon loading program to restore tendon strength and allow you to return to usual activities and sports.

For more advice regarding Achilles tendinopathy, please contact your nearest PhysioWorks clinic.

More Info:

Tendinopathy FAQs

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