Group Exercise Classes

Physiotherapy Group Exercise

Article by Erin Hickey

Physiotherapy Group Exercise Classes

Physiotherapy Group Exercise ClassesMat Based Classes Pilates
Physiotherapy Group Exercise Classes

Clinical Physiotherapy Group Classes

PhysioWorks Clinical Physiotherapy Group Classes offer a unique blend of traditional Pilates and evidence-based rehabilitative exercises. These classes, conducted by Erin Hickey, a skilled physiotherapist with certification in both Pilates and physiotherapy, are mat-based and tailor-made to meet each individual’s rehabilitation goals. They effectively target specific injuries, enhance posture, and improve overall well-being.

Personalised and Evidence-Based Approach

Individualised Attention

Our classes, led by Erin Hickey, start with a comprehensive musculoskeletal assessment. This personalised approach ensures that each participant receives exercises tailored to their unique needs, enabling safer and more effective progress.

Research-Driven Methodology

As physiotherapists, we stay abreast of the latest research to integrate the most effective exercises into our classes. This evidence-based approach ensures optimal outcomes for participants.

Muscle Activation and Retraining

Injuries and pain can disrupt muscle function. We may use Real-Time Ultrasound in our initial assessments to ensure core muscles activate correctly, aiding in effective recovery.

Inclusivity and Versatility

Accommodating Diverse Needs

Our Clinical Physiotherapy Group Classes cater to various fitness levels and physical abilities. From athletes to seniors, we offer customised programs to suit everyone’s needs.

Core Strength and Posture Enhancement

These classes focus on strengthening the deep abdominal, pelvic, and back muscles. Improved core stability translates to better posture, reduced back pain, and enhanced movement.

Addressing Specific Health Concerns

Comprehensive Rehabilitation

Our classes are an excellent rehabilitation tool, addressing a range of conditions from chronic pain to post-surgery recovery. We focus on preventing injuries while promoting overall physical well-being.

Beneficial for Various Conditions

We tailor our classes to benefit those with many health conditions, including:

Suitability and Assessment

Who Can Benefit?

Clinical Physiotherapy Group Classes suit most people, from teenagers to the elderly. Whether you’re dealing with musculoskeletal issues, looking for general fitness, or recovering from an injury, these classes can help.

Initial Assessment and Tailored Classes

Erin conducts a thorough initial assessment to ensure safety and suitability. Based on this, we design semi-private classes that align with your personal goals.

pilates physiotherapist

Class Timetable and Booking

Join our classes at Sandgate and Clayfield at convenient times throughout the week. Book now to start your journey towards better health and fitness.


  • Monday evenings: 6:15 – 7:00 pm
  • Wednesday mornings: 8:00 – 8:45 am
  • Thursday evenings: 6:15 – 7:00 pm


  • Tuesday mornings from 9:30-10:15am

Conclusion: Your Path to Better Health

Clinical Physiotherapy Group Classes are more than just exercise sessions; they’re a pathway to improved health and wellbeing. Under the guidance of our expert physiotherapists, you’ll achieve your fitness and rehabilitation goals in a supportive, effective environment.

Call to Action

Don’t wait to take control of your health. Contact PhysioWorks today to book your assessment and find the right Clinical Physiotherapy Group Class for you!

Book Your Clinical Physiotherapy Group Class Now!

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What Causes Lower Back Pain?


Lower back pain is a widespread issue in Australia, stemming from diverse conditions. As physiotherapists, we often encounter various causes of this pain. This guide aims to shed light on these causes and provide valuable insights for effective management.

Lower Back Pain Causes
What's Causing Your Lower Back Pain?

Muscle-Related Injuries

Muscle injuries are a predominant cause of lower back pain, including:

Recent research underscores the importance of regular exercise and core strengthening in preventing these injuries.

Bone-Related Injuries

Bone health is crucial in lower back pain, encompassing conditions like:

Disc-Related Injuries

Spinal discs are vital for spinal health:

Minimally invasive surgical techniques have transformed the treatment of severe disc-related injuries where physiotherapy and other non-operative options fail to improve.

Back Joint Injuries

Nerve-Related Injuries

Nerve issues can lead to:

Physiotherapy and newer medications have been effective in managing these conditions. Some will require injection therapies or surgery.

Pelvis-Related Injuries

Pelvic issues also contribute to lower back pain:

Pregnancy-Related Pain

  • Pregnancy Back Pain: Often due to increased back strain during pregnancy. Prenatal physiotherapy programs are beneficial.

Systemic Diseases

Systemic diseases like Ankylosing Spondylitis, Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis can cause back pain.

Recent Research and Advancements

Current research emphasises a holistic approach to treating lower back pain. Techniques like yoga and Pilates, alongside traditional physiotherapy, and conservatively progressed gym programs show significant relief. The role of diet in managing weight and  inflammation is increasingly recognised.

Best Treatments for Lower Back Pain

Treatment varies but often includes:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Pain management
  • Strength and flexibility exercise programs
  • Ergonomic adjustments
  • Surgical interventions for severe cases


Lower back pain is a significant health concern in Australia. Understanding its causes and seeking professional physiotherapy advice can greatly improve life quality. Remember, early intervention is key for an effective recovery.

What to Do?

If you're experiencing lower back pain, it's vital to consult a physiotherapist or doctor. They can provide an assessment and customised treatment plan based on your specific condition.

Back Pain FAQs & Products

Your Comprehensive Guide to FAQs, Causes, and Relief

Experiencing back pain and looking for answers? Our comprehensive FAQ section covers everything you need to know about back pain - from common causes and symptoms to effective treatments.

Click the links to our detailed articles to understand better and manage your back pain. Explore links to related topics like 'Severe Back Pain Management', 'Posture Improvement Techniques', and 'Physiotherapy for Chronic Back Issues' for a holistic approach to your spinal health."

back pain faqs
Back Pain Faqs

What Causes Back Pain?

Discover the various factors behind back pain, including muscle strains, herniated discs, and more.

How Can I Relieve Back Pain?

Explore treatments ranging from physiotherapy to exercises, tailored to alleviate back pain.

Can Back Pain Be Prevented?

Learn how to prevent back pain through healthy habits and proper body mechanics.

When Should You See a Physio or Doctor for Back Pain?

Understand when it's crucial to seek professional medical advice for back pain.

Repeated Bouts & Incidental Back Pain FAQs

Addressing frequently occurring and sudden back pain incidents.

Youth Back Pain FAQs

Focusing on the prevention and management of back pain in teenagers.

Back Pain Exercises FAQs

Discover effective exercises and tools for back pain relief.

Back Pain Prevention FAQs

Key insights into everyday activities and their impact on back health.

Posture FAQs

Learn about the importance of good posture and techniques to improve it.

Other Treatments For Back Pain?

Investigate a variety of treatments, from nerve blocks to spinal cord stimulation.


Empowering you with knowledge to understand, address, and prevent back pain effectively.

What to Do Next

Now that you've gained insight into the causes and remedies of back pain, it's time to take the next steps. Start by applying the prevention techniques and exercises detailed in this guide to your daily routine. If you're currently experiencing back pain, consider the treatment options discussed and consult a healthcare professional for personalised advice. Remember, every journey to back health is unique.

Stay informed, be proactive in your self-care, and don't hesitate to seek professional help when needed. For further reading, explore the hyperlinked articles to deepen your understanding and support your path to a pain-free life. Here’s to taking control of your back health and embracing a more comfortable, active lifestyle.

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