Running 1

John Miller Physiotherapist

Article by John Miller

Common Running Injuries

common running injuries
Common Running Injuries

Running is a popular and accessible exercise cherished for its ability to keep individuals fit and healthy. However, this high-impact activity also comes with the risk of developing injuries. Runners commonly experience pain and discomfort in various areas of their bodies, particularly in the hips, knees, ankles, and feet. The repetitive impact and stress on muscles and joints during running can take a toll, mainly if you disregard early signs of injury.

This article aims to shed light on common running injuries, covering a range of conditions that runners may encounter, starting with knee, shin, and calf injuries. It also provides information on the runner's knee, ITB syndrome, shin splints, stress fractures, and more. Understanding these injuries and seeking appropriate treatment is vital for maintaining a safe and enjoyable running experience. If you require further guidance concerning your running assessment, do not hesitate to contact the experienced team at PhysioWorks.

Read the full article on common running injuries from the links below.

Knee, Shin and Calf Injuries

Knee Pain

Children’s Knee Conditions

Shin Pain

Calf Pain

Achilles, Ankle, Heel & Foot Conditions

Achilles and foot tendinopathies are common conditions that can affect runners and cause significant discomfort and limitations in their training. The Achilles tendon, peroneal tendons, Tibialis posterior tendon, and FHL tendon are prone to developing tendinopathies, characterised by pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the affected areas. Achilles tendon rupture may occur in severe cases, requiring immediate medical attention. Additionally, runners may experience retrocalcaneal bursitis, heel injuries such as Severs Disease and heel spurs, and various foot injuries like plantar fasciopathy (plantar fasciitis), metatarsalgia, Morton's neuroma, and foot stress fractures.

This article section aims to provide valuable insights into these conditions, their causes, symptoms, and potential treatment options to help runners better understand and address these issues. To learn more about Achilles and foot tendinopathies and other running injuries, continue reading the full article via the link.

Achilles and Foot Tendinopathies

Ankle Injuries

Heel Injuries

Foot Injuries

Thigh, Hamstring, Groin & Hip Injuries

Thigh and hip injuries are common occurrences among runners and can significantly impact their training and performance. These injuries include pulled thigh muscles, hamstring strains, groin strains, ITB syndrome, proximal hamstring tendinopathy, and hip joint pain.

Conditions like hip arthritis, hip labral tear, femoroacetabular impingement (FAIS), lateral hip pain, gluteal tendinopathy, greater trochanteric pain syndrome, adductor-related groin pain, and hip flexor strains can also affect runners. The article aims to provide comprehensive information on these conditions, including their causes, symptoms, and potential treatment options, empowering runners to understand better and manage these injuries. To gain a deeper understanding of thigh and hip injuries and other common running injuries, continue reading via the article link.

Thigh & Hamstring Pain

Hip Joint Pain

Lateral Hip Pain

Adductor-related Groin Pain

Muscle, Bone & Back Injuries

Finally, muscle, bone and back injuries are frequent concerns among runners and can significantly affect their training progress and overall performance.

Common muscle injuries include thigh muscle strains, hamstring strains, calf strains, ITB syndrome, popliteus syndrome, cramps, and DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). These conditions often arise from the repetitive nature of running and can cause pain, discomfort, and limitations in movement.

On the other hand, bone injuries such as stress fractures, particularly in the feet, Severs Disease, juvenile osteochondritis dissecans, heel spurs, shin splints, and lower back pain can also be prevalent among runners. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and appropriate management techniques for these muscle and bone injuries is crucial for runners to ensure a safe and effective training routine.

These articles provide comprehensive insights into these conditions, offering guidance on prevention, treatment, and recovery strategies. To learn more about muscle, bone and back injuries commonly experienced by runners, continue reading the full article via the link.

Muscle Injuries

Bone Injuries

Lower Back Pain


In conclusion, running is a popular exercise that provides numerous health benefits. Still, it also carries the risk of developing various injuries. This article sheds light on common running injuries, covering different body areas such as the knees, shins, calves, ankles, and feet.

The repetitive impact and stress placed on muscles and joints during running can lead to conditions like knee pain, runner's knee, ITB syndrome, shin splints, stress fractures, Achilles and foot tendinopathies, thigh and hip injuries, as well as muscle, bone, and back injuries. These injuries can cause pain, discomfort, and limitations in training and performance.

Understanding the causes, symptoms, and appropriate treatment options for these injuries is crucial for runners to maintain a safe and enjoyable running experience. Seeking professional guidance from healthcare providers such as physiotherapists can be beneficial in assessing and managing running-related injuries.

By being aware of these common injuries and taking proactive measures to prevent and address them, runners can reduce the risk of long-term damage and continue engaging in this physical activity confidently. Remember to listen to your body, pay attention to early signs of injury, and seek appropriate medical advice to ensure a safe and sustainable running routine.

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