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John Miller Physiotherapist

Article by John Miller

How to Improve Balance

A Physiotherapist's Guide


Improving your balance is not only possible, but it can also be remarkably straightforward. Recent scientific research underscores the effectiveness of balance retraining. Remarkably, you can see significant improvements in just a few weeks by incorporating progressive balance exercises. These exercises work to normalise your balance and corrective reactions, essential for everyday activities and sports performance.

The Importance of Balance Assessments

A crucial first step in improving balance is undergoing a professional balance assessment. Physiotherapists are skilled in safely evaluating your balance and prescribing tailored exercises and equipment for balance improvement. These assessments form the foundation for a personalised balance enhancement program.

Read more: Where Can You Get Your Balance Assessed?

How to Improve Balance
How To Improve Balance

The Best Exercises for Fall Prevention

One of the primary benefits of improved balance is fall prevention. This is particularly important as we age. Exercises that enhance strength, balance, and righting reactions are central to fall prevention. Safety during these exercises is paramount. A physiotherapist can tailor a safe, effective fall-prevention exercise program to your needs. This personalised approach ensures a steady progression as your balance improves. For professional guidance on starting a fall-prevention exercise routine, consult your physiotherapist.

Utilising Balance Enhancement Products

Over the years, clinicians have developed a range of products that effectively enhance balance. These products have shown success in reducing falls plus also ankle and knee ligament sprains and improving daily and sporting performance. Many of these can be used conveniently at home to boost your balance, reduce injury risk, and alleviate joint pain.

Some recommended balance enhancement products include:

Incorporating these products into your balance training can maximise benefits, leading to improved balance and stability.

For more details:  Balance-Related Products

New Research and Developments in Balance Training

Recent studies have brought to light new insights in balance training. These include the importance of multi-directional exercises, the role of core strength in balance, and the benefits of proprioceptive training. Integrating these elements into balance training can lead to more comprehensive improvements.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Improving your balance is an achievable goal with the right approach. Starting with a professional assessment and following through with tailored exercises and the use of enhancement products can lead to significant improvements. The evolving field of balance training continues to offer new strategies and insights.

What to Do Next?

Seek professional advice from your physiotherapist. They can guide you through a safe, effective balance improvement program tailored to your needs. Remember, the journey to better balance starts with a single step – reaching out to a professional!

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John Miller Physiotherapist

Article by John Miller

Balance Assessment

The Key to Stability and Safety


Balance plays a crucial role in our daily lives, influencing everything from walking to sports performance. A physiotherapist's perspective brings a new dimension to understanding and improving balance. In this article, we'll explore the latest in balance assessment and physiotherapy techniques, helping you to maintain stability and prevent falls.

Why is Balance Assessment Important?

Balance assessment is vital for identifying balance issues and preventing falls. Falls are a significant health concern, especially among older adults, leading to injuries and loss of independence. Physiotherapists use a variety of balance assessment tests to pinpoint specific issues and tailor rehabilitation exercises accordingly.

How Does Physiotherapy Help with Balance?

Physiotherapy plays a pivotal role in improving balance. Physiotherapists are highly-trained in movement and function. They use targeted exercises to strengthen muscles, improve coordination, and enhance proprioception – the body's ability to sense its position in space.

Latest Research in Balance Improvement

Recent studies highlight the effectiveness of tailored exercise programs in improving balance. These programs often include strength training, coordination exercises, and activities that challenge the body's balance system. Research also shows that incorporating virtual reality and interactive gaming can make balance training more engaging and effective.

Balance Assessment Tests

Physiotherapists use various tests to assess balance. These may include the Berg Balance Scale, the Dynamic Gait Index, and the Timed Up and Go test, just to name a few. These tests provide valuable information about an individual's balance and risk of falling.

Balance Assessment
Balance Assessment

The Best Exercises for Balance Improvement

  1. Strength Training: Strengthens leg muscles, crucial for maintaining balance.
  2. Yoga and Tai Chi: Improve flexibility and mental focus, enhancing balance.
  3. Dynamic Balance Exercises: Challenge the body’s ability to maintain stability while in motion.
  4. Proprioceptive Training: Enhances the body’s awareness in space.

Balance Enhancement Products

Incorporating balance-enhancing products into your routine can significantly improve stability. These include balance discs, balance pads, Swiss exercise balls, and wobble boards. They provide a safe and effective way to challenge and improve your balance.

For more details:  Balance-Related Products

When to Seek a Physiotherapist's Help?

If you're experiencing frequent falls, dizziness, or a general sense of instability, it's time to consult a physiotherapist. They can provide a thorough balance assessment and create a customised treatment plan.


Balance assessment and improvement are essential for maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle. With the help of a skilled physiotherapist, you can enhance your balance, prevent falls, and improve your overall quality of life.

What to Do Next?

If you're concerned about your balance or have experienced falls, don't hesitate to seek the advice of a physiotherapist. They can provide a comprehensive balance assessment and tailor a treatment plan to meet your specific needs. Remember, maintaining good balance is key to your independence and wellbeing.

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Physiotherapist-Prescribed Exercises: Why and How

Why Do Physiotherapists Recommend Specific Exercises for You?

Ever wondered why physiotherapists suggest exercises for you? Well, these exercise prescriptions are a core skill in their profession. Whether you're recovering from surgery, dealing with an acute injury, or working through chronic de-conditioning, the right exercises are vital. The knowledge of your physiotherapist comes into play here, tailoring your exercise regimen just for you.

Beyond diagnosing injuries, your physiotherapist is well-versed in exercise physiology. This knowledge empowers them to evaluate your injury and craft a personalised plan. The exercises recommended are designed to suit your current fitness level, age, and specific needs.

Getting Specific with Exercises

Remember, exercises shouldn't hurt. Beware of aggressive exercise proponents who believe that more pain equals better results. Especially if you're frail, immunosuppressed, de-conditioned, or recovering from surgery, this isn't the approach to follow.

A comprehensive assessment by your physiotherapist leads to a set of carefully chosen exercises. These exercises are tailored to avoid aggravating your injury and to prevent further harm. When plotting your rehabilitation journey, consulting an exercise professional, like your physiotherapist, is a smart move.

The Aftermath of Halting Exercises

Neglecting simple exercises can lead to muscle weakness. When these stabilising muscles grow weak, they fail to adequately support injured areas, increasing the risk of lingering symptoms and additional injuries. Compensatory overuse of neighbouring muscles might also occur, exacerbating the damage.

Remember, even if you're generally fit, specific local or stability muscles could be underdeveloped. Injured or not, it's crucial to engage in exercises targeting the muscles around your injury and adjacent joints. After assessing your muscle function, your physiotherapist will recommend exercises tailored to your unique requirements.

The prescribed exercises are usually straightforward, demanding no special weights or equipment. They can be safely performed in the comfort of your home.

Consistency Matters

Think of exercise prescriptions like your personal dose of medicine. Your physiotherapist tailors this dose with professional finesse. Just as you wouldn't skip your blood pressure medication due to a busy schedule, your exercise plan deserves the same commitment.

Physiotherapist-recommended exercises should be your priority. Skipping them is akin to not adhering to prescribed medication. For optimum results, treat your exercise routine with the same dedication as you would your medications.

Prioritise Your Health

When you consider skipping your "exercise dose," remember that you're compromising your well-being. Don't hesitate to reach out to your PhysioWorks physiotherapist if you have queries or concerns. They're your partners in securing your best possible care.

More info:

Core Exercises

Strength & Rehabilitation Exercises

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Falls Prevention Exercises

How to Select the Ideal Exercise Ball Size for Your Needs

Selecting the right exercise ball size is not only crucial for enhancing your workouts but also vital for maintaining good posture and preventing lower back injuries. Whether you're using it for exercise or as a posture-enhancing seat, finding the perfect fit can make a significant difference. Let's dive into how you can choose the best exercise ball size, understand their benefits, and what to do if you need professional advice.

What is the Correct Swiss Ball Size for You?

The first step in finding your perfect exercise ball is to consider your height, leg length, and the purpose of the ball. If you're using the ball as a seat, ensure your hips sit higher than your knees to support the natural curve of your lower back. This position is crucial for preventing discomfort or injury during prolonged periods of sitting.

To determine the best size for you, measure your height and refer to the manufacturer's recommendations. Exercise balls typically range from 45 cm to 85 cm in diameter. For instance, individuals between 4’6″ and 5’0″ should opt for a 45 cm ball, while those between 5’9″ and 6’2″ would benefit from a 65 cm ball.

Why Size Matters

Choosing the correct size ensures maximum effectiveness and comfort, whether for workouts or sitting. A properly sized ball promotes alignment, balance, and stability, which are essential for preventing injuries and achieving the best results from your exercise routine.

What are the Benefits of Using an Exercise Ball?

Exercise balls offer a multitude of benefits, including improved posture, core strength, and flexibility. They are also great for rehabilitation exercises, as they engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, providing a comprehensive workout.

What to Do? Seeking Professional Advice

If unsure about the right exercise ball size or if you have existing back issues, consulting a physiotherapist can provide tailored advice. A professional can assess your specific needs and recommend the best approach to using an exercise ball effectively and safely.


Choosing the right exercise ball size is essential for comfort, safety, and effectiveness. By considering your height, leg length, and intended use, you can find the perfect fit for your needs. Remember, when in doubt, seek the advice of a physiotherapist to ensure you're making the best choice for your health and wellness.

Recommended Exercise Ball Size

Exercise ball diameter Person's height
45 cm 5' and under
55 cm 5'1"– 5'8"
65 cm 5'9"– 6'2"
75 cm 6'3"– 6'7"
85 cm 6'8" and taller

Ball Chair Size

o determine the minimum height for your ball chair, measure from the top of your kneecap to the ground while you are seated. Add a few centimetres to accommodate the height of your shoe heels. Remember that a ball will compress slightly under weight if it's not fully inflated, so an oversized, softer ball might make you sit too low. Ideally, when seated, your thighs should slope downwards from your hips to your knees, as if droplets of water could run downwards towards your knees..

ball chair height should be at least the height of your your thigh when seated.
Ball Chair Height Minimum: Measure From The Top Of Your Kneecap To The Ground When Seated. Add A Few Centimetres For Your Shoe Heel Height.

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  1. Exercise Balls: Enhance Core Strength & Alleviate Back Pain - This article explains the benefits of using exercise balls for enhancing core strength and alleviating back pain, emphasising the importance of correct usage and professional guidance​​.
  2. How to Incorporate an Exercise Ball as Your Chair? - Provides insights on using an exercise ball as a chair to improve posture and reduce the risk of lower back pain, including tips for achieving the correct alignment​​.
  3. Balance Improvement - Discusses exercises and products for improving balance and stability, which can complement the use of exercise balls for a holistic approach to fitness and health​​.
  4. Effective Back Pain Exercise Routines For Pain Relief Guide - Although not directly linked, this article likely offers exercises and routines specifically designed for back pain relief, which can be beneficial for users of exercise balls focusing on alleviating back pain.
  5. Effective Back Exercises And Core Strength: Physio Insights - Likely provides deeper insights into back exercises and core strengthening, crucial for users interested in using exercise balls for these purposes.
  6. What are the Benefits for Using a Ball Chair at Work? - A comprehensive guide to ball chairs.

John Miller Physiotherapist

Article by John Miller

Harness the Benefits of a Ball Chair for a Healthier Back

Have you ever considered swapping your regular office chair for a ball chair? This change might seem unusual at first, but using a ball chair can significantly boost your posture and alleviate back discomfort.

What is a Ball Chair?

A ball chair, often known as a Swiss Exercise Ball, Yoga ball, Pilates ball, or Physio Ball, is not just for the gym or home exercise. It's a fantastic tool for anyone who spends a lot of time at a desk. By sitting on a ball chair, you make continuous micro-movements that enhance the circulation in your spine and strengthen crucial postural muscles. This active sitting helps prevent the stiffness and pain associated with poor posture and long sitting periods.

Office ball chair can be used at any desk
Office Ball Chair Is Action

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Does a Ball Chair Really Work? Yes, it encourages constant pelvic adjustments, enhancing posture and back health. Ball chairs have also been shown to improve productivity: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31839855/
  2. Can You Sit on a Ball Chair All Day? While beneficial, it's best to alternate between a ball chair and a standard chair to give your muscles a varied workout.
  3. Is Sitting on a Balance Ball Good for You? Absolutely, it helps reduce sedentary behaviour impacts and strengthens core muscles.
  4. Does a Ball Chair Help with Back Pain? Many users experience significant relief from back pain due to improved posture.
  5. How Long Should You Sit on a Ball Chair? Start with short intervals, like 30 minutes, and gradually increase as you feel comfortable.
  6. Benefits of Sitting on a Ball Chair: Includes core strengthening, improved posture, and increased blood flow.
  7. Is a Kneeling Chair Better Than a Ball Chair? Both have benefits, but ball chairs are better for engaging core and back muscles.
  8. Do Ball Chairs Burn Calories? Yes, the constant movement can lead to a slight increase in calorie burn.
  9. Does Sitting on an Exercise Ball Help Sciatica? It can alleviate pressure on the sciatic nerve by promoting better spinal alignment.
  10. Benefits of the Swiss Ball: Includes versatility for exercise, enhanced balance, and muscle tone.
  11. Most Comfortable Chair for Back Pain: Depends on individual needs; many find ball chairs offer significant relief.
  12. Is the Ball Chair Comfortable? It can be, especially as you get used to the active sitting style.

Choosing the Right Ball Chair Height

Select a ball that raises your hips slightly above your knees. This position ensures your thighs slope gently downwards, promoting optimal spinal alignment and reducing the risk of lower back pain.

Your ball chair height or diametre should be at least the height of the top of your kneecap when seated.

ball chair height should be at least the height of your your thigh when seated.
Ball Chair Height Minimum: Measure From The Top Of Your Kneecap To The Ground When Seated. Add A Few Centimetres For Your Shoe Heel Height.


Switching to a ball chair can be a game changer for your spinal health, posture, and overall comfort at work. By integrating active sitting into your routine, you not only boost your physical health but also enhance your productivity and focus.

What to Do?

If you're interested in trying a ball chair, consult with a physiotherapist. They can provide tailored advice and ensure the ball chair suits your specific health needs, helping you make the most out of this dynamic seating option.

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  2. Posture Correction Techniques
    Discover techniques to improve your posture, which can complement the benefits of using a ball chair.
  3. Exercises for Lower Back Pain
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  4. The Importance of Good Posture in the Workplace
    Understand how maintaining good posture can prevent back pain and how a ball chair can contribute to this.
  5. Physiotherapy for Back Injuries
    Explore how physiotherapy can aid in recovering from back injuries and how preventive measures like ball chairs help.
  6. How to Choose the Right Exercise Ball for You
    Get insights into selecting the best size and type of ball for a ball chair, crucial for effective use.
  7. Benefits of Pilates for Back Pain
    Learn how Pilates, often practiced with a ball, can be beneficial for back health and how it relates to using a ball chair.
  8. Managing Chronic Back Pain
    Tips and strategies for managing chronic back pain, where a ball chair might be a part of the solution.
  9. Role of Physical Activity in Back Health
    Read about the broader role of physical activity in maintaining back health, including the use of exercise balls.
  10. Preventing Back Pain with Proper Ergonomics
    Understand how proper ergonomics, including the use of ball chairs, can prevent back pain in various settings.

John Miller Physiotherapist

Article by John Miller

Ensuring Workout Safety with Anti-Burst Exercise Balls


When it comes to enhancing your fitness routine, safety should always be a top priority. Anti-burst exercise balls have emerged as a crucial tool in providing a safe yet effective workout experience. These balls, known for their durability and safety features, are a favourite among physiotherapists and fitness enthusiasts alike.

What Makes Anti-Burst Exercise Balls Special?

Unlike standard exercise balls, anti-burst variants are designed to withstand high pressure and unexpected punctures. This unique feature reduces the risk of injury, ensuring a safer workout session. The key lies in their thick casing and high anti-burst rating, typically above 300+kg. This rating indicates the ball's ability to handle significant weight without bursting, a feature not found in cheaper alternatives.

"Image Title: "exercise-ball-weightlifting-gym-stability" Caption: "
Enhancing Core Strength With Exercise Ball Weightlifting

Benefits of Using Anti-Burst Exercise Balls

  1. Improved Safety: The controlled deflation in case of a puncture minimises the risk of falls or injuries.
  2. Enhanced Stability and Balance: Regular use can enhance core strength, balance, and stability.
  3. Versatility in Workouts: Ideal for a variety of exercises, including weight training and core workouts.
  4. Long-Term Durability: Their robust construction ensures they retain shape and functionality over time.

A Physiotherapist’s Perspective

Physiotherapists recommend these balls for their ability to improve posture, core strength, and balance. Exercises performed on an anti-burst ball engage multiple muscle groups, making them an excellent choice for rehabilitation and fitness enhancement.

What to Do?

If you're considering incorporating an exercise ball into your routine, consult a physiotherapist for tailored advice. They can recommend specific exercises based on your fitness level and health needs.


Incorporating an anti-burst exercise ball into your fitness regime is a smart choice for anyone looking to enhance their workout safety and effectiveness. Whether you're rehabilitating from an injury or aiming to strengthen your core, these balls offer a versatile and safe option.


1. What are anti-burst exercise balls?

Anti-burst exercise balls are designed to resist high pressure and unexpected punctures, providing a safer workout experience.

2. How do anti-burst exercise balls improve safety?

They deflate slowly in case of a puncture, reducing the risk of falls and injuries during workouts.

3. What exercises can I do with an anti-burst exercise ball?

You can perform a variety of exercises, including core strengthening, weightlifting, and balance training.

4. How do I choose the right size exercise ball?

Choose an exercise ball size based on your height. When seated on the ball, your knees should be at a right angle.

5. Can anti-burst exercise balls be used for rehabilitation?

Yes, they are excellent for rehabilitation, improving posture, and enhancing core strength.

6. Do I need to consult a physiotherapist before using an exercise ball?

It's advisable to consult a physiotherapist to ensure you use the exercise ball correctly and safely, especially if you have existing health conditions.

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Tips for Inflating Your Exercise Ball

Physio Exercise Ball

Choose the right pump.

You can use various pumps to inflate exercise balls, such as hand-held pumps, air mattress pumps, reverse vacuum cleaners, and air compressors.

Avoid overinflating in cold temperatures.

Do not overinflate your exercise ball if the temperature is below 20 degrees Celsius. Warm it up to room temperature (20 degrees or higher) before inflating to prevent the ball from becoming too hard or bursting.

Inflate based on diameter, not pressure.

Determine the correct size of your exercise ball by measuring its diameter instead of relying on pressure. Do not exceed the recommended size when inflating the ball.

Inflate in stages.

Initially, inflate the ball to about 80% of its diameter, then wait 24 hours before inflating it to the recommended size. Avoid using the ball during the first 24 hours.

Size test.

To verify if your exercise ball is the correct size, place two boxes at the desired distance apart and use a tape measure to ensure accuracy. Then, roll the ball between the boxes. If both ends of the ball touch both boxes, you have the correct size.

Buy an Exercise Ball 

Physiotherapy Private Health Insurance Rebates

PhysioWorks Physiotherapy and Remedial Massage offer affordability beyond your expectations. Your Private Health Insurance (PHI) typically covers most of your treatment expenses, requiring only a minimal gap payment from your side. The rebates provided by Private Health Funds differ based on the extent of your coverage.

HICAPS - Instant Health Fund Claims

Most health funds participate in the HICAPS instant claims system. At our reception counter, simply swipe your health insurance card, and our online HICAPS system will allow you to claim your physiotherapy treatment promptly. While HICAPS enables the immediate claiming of Remedial Massage for certain funds, note that this applies only to select funds. For the latest fund-specific information, please refer to HICAPS.

Our skilled physiotherapists are eligible for private health insurance rebates. Utilizing our in-practice HICAPS system, you can make instantaneous claims.

All of our physiotherapists are covered by Private Health Insurance Funds, which include BUPA, Medibank Private, and HCF. To access a comprehensive list of HICAPS instant claim funds.

Third-Party Insurers

PhysioWorks practitioners are registered providers for government, Workcover and insurance companies, including:

  • Workcover
  • InjuryNet
  • Australia Post; Coles Myer; Woolworths
  • Medicare
  • Department of Veterans' Affairs
  • CTP & Sports Insurers

Sports Injury Insurance?

Are You Protected with Sports Injury Insurance?

Many sports organisations in Australia offer sports injury insurance as part of the registration fees. To find out if you're covered, check out the quick links on this webpage or reach out to your sports organisation directly.

Don't take any chances with your well-being, make sure you're fully protected in case of any sports-related injuries.

Sports Insurance QuickLinks

More Information

For more friendly advice or guidance, please call your nearest clinic to discuss your specific needs.

Sports Physio

Recovery & Sports Massage

Sporting Injuries

The internet is full of potentially unreliable information. Please source trusted healthcare information from reputable websites such as the following.




British Medical Journal



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