Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT)

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy

Article by Shane Armfield

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT)

Your Pathway to Balanced Living

What is Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy?

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT) emerges as a specialised branch of physiotherapy dedicated to managing vestibular disorders. This therapy empowers the brain to find new pathways to regain balance, significantly reducing episodes of dizziness and vertigo.

Understanding Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy

At its core, VRT employs customised exercises that retrain the brain to recognise and process signals from the vestibular system in the inner ear alongside visual and proprioceptive cues. These exercises enhance overall balance and stability.

The Three Phases of Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy

Initial Assessment

A physiotherapist begins with a comprehensive evaluation of a patient’s symptoms. This assessment includes tests to pinpoint the specific vestibular deficits affecting the individual.

Personalised VRT Treatment

Following assessment, the therapist designs a targeted treatment regimen. These exercises might involve gaze stabilisation to manage eye movements, balance training to improve steadiness, and habituation exercises to decrease dizziness.

Ongoing Maintenance

After completing the treatment phase, patients transition to maintenance. Here, they continue exercises independently to preserve and build on their treatment gains.

The Effectiveness of VRT

Research Insights

Studies validate the efficacy of VRT. Research by Bruzell et al. (2019) indicates VRT’s success in reducing vestibular migraine symptoms and enhancing balance. Cousins et al. (2019) further support these findings, noting VRT’s superiority over medication in symptom management.

Patient Outcomes

Patients consistently report improved quality of life following VRT. This therapy is instrumental for those with vestibular migraines, providing relief and a pathway to regain control over their balance without relying solely on medication.

VRT in Action

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT)
Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (Vrt)

VRT is not a one-size-fits-all treatment. It’s a dynamic, responsive approach, adjusting to the unique needs of each patient. Therapists monitor progress and tweak exercises as patients advance through their recovery journey.

Implementing VRT into Daily Life

Patient Empowerment

VRT equips patients with the skills and confidence to manage their vestibular symptoms. The exercises integrate into daily routines, allowing for a seamless transition into a balanced lifestyle.

The Takeaway on VRT

A Holistic Approach

VRT stands as a testament to the holistic approach in physiotherapy, treating the patient as a whole rather than just addressing the symptoms. It offers a non-invasive, empowering method to tackle the challenges of vestibular dysfunctions.

Conclusion: Embracing Equilibrium with VRT

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT) is a testament to the innovative strides in physiotherapy, offering hope and tangible results for those grappling with the disruptive effects of vestibular disorders. As research progresses, VRT continues to evolve, solidifying its role as an essential treatment modality.

In essence, Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT) represents a significant advancement in physiotherapy, offering a lifeline to those battling the unsettling effects of vestibular disorders. It underscores the power of adaptive healing and the body’s remarkable ability to recalibrate when given the right support and guidance.

Take the Next Step

If you’re experiencing symptoms of dizziness, imbalance, or vestibular disruption, it’s crucial to consult a trained physiotherapist with a special interest in vestibular rehabilitation. They will assess your condition, craft a tailored treatment plan, and walk alongside you on your journey to recovery. Booking an appointment with a vestibular-trained physiotherapist could be your first step towards reclaiming balance and enjoying a more stable, confident life.

Don’t let vestibular conditions dictate your life’s pace. Reach out today, and set the course for a steadier tomorrow with the expert assistance of VRT.

Article by Shane Armfield

Discussing Vertigo & Dizziness Causes

Navigate Your Way to Steady Ground

Battling vertigo or dizziness can make even the simplest tasks feel daunting. These unsettling sensations can disrupt your routine, making it a struggle to walk, drive, or simply stand up without feeling unstable. Recognising the causes behind vertigo and dizziness is the first step towards regaining your balance and resuming life as usual.

Vertigo & Dizziness Information

Our vertigo and dizziness articles on this website discuss the common origins of vertigo and dizziness.

From the dislodging of tiny crystals in your ear that leads to benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) to the fluid build-up in Meniere's disease, we cover the spectrum of conditions that might be tipping your world upside down.

We also tackle cervicogenic dizziness—a less known but equally significant cause stemming from neck issues.

Vestibular FAQs

In addition to outlining potential causes, we address frequently asked questions to help you understand the nuances of vertigo and dizziness, their symptoms, how they're diagnosed, and the treatment options available. By equipping you with this knowledge, we hope to empower you to take control of your symptoms.

Read more: Vestibular FAQS

vertigo causes

Vertigo Causes

Vertigo frequently surfaces as a symptom of underlying ear or brain problems. Key triggers include:

Inner Ear Disorders:

BPPV, where ear canal crystals go awry, inducing dizzy spells.

Meniere's Disease:

Characterised by inner ear fluid imbalance, triggering vertigo bouts. read more: Meniere's disease.

Vestibular Neuritis or Labyrinthitis:

Inner ear infections that lead to inflammation and dizziness.

Identifying the exact vertigo cause allows health professionals to customise treatment, potentially reducing or resolving the dizzying episodes.

Dizziness Causes

Dizziness arises from a variety of sources, which can be mild or more severe. These include:

Cervicogenic Dizziness:

Often overlooked, this stems from neck problems disrupting sensory communication to the brain. Read more: Cervicogenic dizziness.

Low Blood Pressure:

Sudden drops can result in momentary light-headedness.


Certain medications list dizziness as a potential side effect.

Anxiety or Stress:

Can lead to bouts of dizziness during periods of heightened stress.

Grasping the causes of dizziness is imperative for practitioners to advise and manage symptoms effectively.


Tracing the roots of vertigo and dizziness is intricate. While many causes are benign and manageable, others may hint at more serious underlying conditions. It's crucial to seek professional input. Vestibular specialists, including ENT doctors and vestibular physiotherapists, are here to help you navigate through these choppy waters to find solid ground.

Your Next Step

If vertigo or dizziness is disrupting your life, don't hesitate to book an appointment to assess your vertigo or dizziness. For more information and practical advice on managing the causes of vertigo and dizziness, peruse our Vestibular Physiotherapy section and explore our FAQs.

Ready for a Change?

Make an appointment with us today and take the first step towards a steadier tomorrow.

Related Articles

  1. Cervicogenic Dizziness & Cervical Vertigo - Tips & Treatment: Readers will find detailed explanations about how neck disorders can lead to dizziness and vertigo​​.
  2. Vertigo & Dizziness: This article offers a broad overview of dizziness and vertigo, providing insights into their differences and potential causes​​.
  3. Vestibular Physiotherapy: Balance & Dizziness Solutions: Explore how vestibular physiotherapy can help manage and treat balance issues and dizziness​​.
  4. What Are The Four Types Of Dizziness?: Readers will learn about the four distinct types of dizziness and their respective causes and symptoms​​.
  5. Meniere's Disease: An in-depth look at Meniere's Disease, offering insights into its symptoms, diagnosis, and management​​.
  6. Vestibular Migraine: This page discusses vestibular migraines, highlighting their unique challenges in diagnosis and treatment​​.
  7. Neck Pain: Find comprehensive information on the various causes of neck pain and its relationship to dizziness and vertigo​​.
  8. What Are The Symptoms Of BPPV?: An article detailing the symptoms of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), helping readers to better understand this condition​​.
  9. Vestibular FAQs: Offers answers to frequently asked questions about vertigo and dizziness, enhancing understanding of these conditions​​.
  10. Vertigo Causes & Dizziness Causes - Advice & Managing Tips: Provides information on the various causes of vertigo and dizziness, along with tips for managing these conditions​​.

John Miller Physiotherapist

Article by John Miller

How to Improve Balance

A Physiotherapist's Guide


Improving your balance is not only possible, but it can also be remarkably straightforward. Recent scientific research underscores the effectiveness of balance retraining. Remarkably, you can see significant improvements in just a few weeks by incorporating progressive balance exercises. These exercises work to normalise your balance and corrective reactions, essential for everyday activities and sports performance.

The Importance of Balance Assessments

A crucial first step in improving balance is undergoing a professional balance assessment. Physiotherapists are skilled in safely evaluating your balance and prescribing tailored exercises and equipment for balance improvement. These assessments form the foundation for a personalised balance enhancement program.

Read more: Where Can You Get Your Balance Assessed?

How to Improve Balance
How To Improve Balance

The Best Exercises for Fall Prevention

One of the primary benefits of improved balance is fall prevention. This is particularly important as we age. Exercises that enhance strength, balance, and righting reactions are central to fall prevention. Safety during these exercises is paramount. A physiotherapist can tailor a safe, effective fall-prevention exercise program to your needs. This personalised approach ensures a steady progression as your balance improves. For professional guidance on starting a fall-prevention exercise routine, consult your physiotherapist.

Utilising Balance Enhancement Products

Over the years, clinicians have developed a range of products that effectively enhance balance. These products have shown success in reducing falls plus also ankle and knee ligament sprains and improving daily and sporting performance. Many of these can be used conveniently at home to boost your balance, reduce injury risk, and alleviate joint pain.

Some recommended balance enhancement products include:

Incorporating these products into your balance training can maximise benefits, leading to improved balance and stability.

For more details:  Balance-Related Products

New Research and Developments in Balance Training

Recent studies have brought to light new insights in balance training. These include the importance of multi-directional exercises, the role of core strength in balance, and the benefits of proprioceptive training. Integrating these elements into balance training can lead to more comprehensive improvements.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Improving your balance is an achievable goal with the right approach. Starting with a professional assessment and following through with tailored exercises and the use of enhancement products can lead to significant improvements. The evolving field of balance training continues to offer new strategies and insights.

What to Do Next?

Seek professional advice from your physiotherapist. They can guide you through a safe, effective balance improvement program tailored to your needs. Remember, the journey to better balance starts with a single step – reaching out to a professional!

More Info


Bruzell, E. M., Haraldsson, P. Ø., & Carlsson, E. S. (2019). Vestibular rehabilitation for migraine-related vestibulopathy: A systematic review. Frontiers in neurology, 10, 300.

Cousins, S., Kaski, D., Cutfield, N., Arshad, Q., Ahmad, H., & Gresty, M. A. (2019). Treatment of primary vestibular migraine with vestibular rehabilitation: a randomised controlled trial. Neurology, 93(16), e1706-e1715

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