Arm 1

Arm Pain

What Causes Arm Pain?

Various factors, including sports injuries, work-related injuries, and repetitive overuse, can cause arm pain. The causes of arm pain can be broadly categorised by region and structure, such as neck painshoulder painelbow painwrist painhand painarthritisbursitisligament injurymuscle paintendinopathy, and more.

It can be a local injury, musculoskeletal injury, or even referred from nerves in your neck.

What are the Most Common Causes of Arm Pain?

The most common sources of arm pain include shoulder, wrist, and elbow pain.

Rotator cuff injuries or frozen shoulder often cause shoulder pain, while tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow commonly cause pain. Wrist and hand pain can be related to carpal tunnelwrist arthritis, or de Quervain’s tenosynovitis. Referred arm pain from cervical radiculopathy can also occur.

Why's it Important to Seek Professional Assessment and Prompt Treatment for Arm Pain?

It’s essential to seek a professional assessment from a health practitioner skilled in spinal and local-origin injuries to ensure an accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment directed at the arm pain source. Left-arm pain can be an early sign of a life-threatening cardiac issue, so seeking immediate medical attention is vital if you experience this symptom.

Fortunately, medical or physiotherapy intervention can respond very favourably to most arm pain when seeking early professional assessment and treatment. Healthcare practitioners may recommend common therapies such as physiotherapy, medical care, or other interventions.

Causes of Arm Pain by Region

Causes of Arm Pain by Structure

Neck-Related Arm Pain

Shoulder-Related Arm Pain

Elbow-Related Arm Pain

Wrist-Related Arm Pain

Hand-Related Arm Pain

Muscle-Related Arm Pain

Other Sources of Arm Pain

John Miller Physiotherapist

Article by John Miller

Common Youth Arm Injuries

A Physiotherapist's Guide


Children and adolescents often encounter unique arm injuries due to their bones still growing. This growth involves cartilaginous growth plates (physis), which are crucial for bone development but also vulnerable to damage from repetitive stress or sudden forces. As a physiotherapist, I frequently see these types of injuries and understand the importance of early intervention and proper management.

Throwers Elbow in Children

One common injury among young athletes, particularly in sports like baseball and cricket, is throwers elbow. This condition results from repetitive overhand throwing, which puts significant stress on the elbow's growth plates. Continuous strain can damage ligaments, cartilage, and these sensitive growth areas. It's essential to recognise the symptoms early and manage them appropriately.

Youth Arm InjuriesThrowers Elbow
Throwers Elbow

Medial Apophysitis (Little Leaguer’s Elbow)

Medial apophysitis, often called Little Leaguer’s Elbow, typically affects active children. This injury causes pain at the medial epicondyle, the inner part of the elbow. Excessive throwing movements, common in tennis and baseball, can inflame the growth plate in this area, leading to pain and swelling.

Osteochondritis Dissecans

Osteochondritis dissecans is another injury resulting from overuse, especially in throwing sports. It involves the compression of the elbow joint's immature bones, potentially causing small fragments of bone and cartilage to dislodge. This condition may require surgical intervention if not addressed promptly.

Stress Reactions of Growth Plates

Growth plates in the arms and legs can suffer from repetitive stress, impacting a child’s growth and causing pain. Sports like gymnastics and baseball are particularly notorious for causing these stress reactions. If these injuries are not managed correctly, they can lead to permanent damage to the growth plates and even halt bone growth prematurely.

Latest Research and Preventative Measures

Recent studies emphasise the importance of rest and proper technique in preventing these injuries. A study published in the Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics (2023) highlights that early intervention and adapting sports techniques can significantly reduce the risk of arm injuries in young athletes.

What to Do? Professional Advice for Managing Youth Arm Injuries

Early Detection: Be vigilant for signs of pain or discomfort in your child’s arms, especially if they are active in sports.

Rest and Recovery: Ensure adequate rest periods between sports activities to allow the body to recover.

Professional Assessment: If you suspect an injury, consult a physiotherapist or doctor experienced in youth injuries.

Customised Treatment Plans: Every child is unique, and their treatment should be tailored to their specific needs.

Education and Awareness: Teach children about the importance of proper technique and listening to their bodies.


Managing youth arm injuries requires a comprehensive approach that includes early detection, rest, and professional guidance. As a physiotherapist, I can’t stress enough the importance of addressing these injuries promptly to prevent long-term consequences. Remember, the best treatment is often prevention, and educating young athletes and their parents about the risks and management strategies is key to maintaining healthy, active lifestyles.

Your Next Steps

If your child is experiencing arm pain or discomfort, especially related to sports, don't hesitate to seek professional advice. A physiotherapist can provide a thorough assessment, guide you through the recovery process, and help prevent future injuries. Remember, early intervention can make a significant difference in your child's health and athletic career.

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